Shabbat 8/14/2021 Paul Wilbur Live!

Shabbat Shalom!
As we head into the last half of summer, it is a good opportunity to review where we have been and where we are going. Revival, Restoration and Building a House based on God’s blueprint is what He has been saying to us this year. He is calling us to revive those ancient paths that have laid dormant such as returning to holiness and living a consecrated lifestyle as we are being restored as a House of prayer and as a dwelling of His Ruach HaKodesh. We are now in the Hebrew month of Elul, traditionally a season of searching our hearts in preparation for the gathering in Father’s presence at the Fall Mo’adim in less than 30 days. It is a time that we hear the sound of the Shofar reminding us to get ready for the arrival of the King! God’s calendar is not random but a specific roadmap, as you can say, for taking stock of what we are doing or not doing, and making the necessary “course corrections” to get back on track!

This weekend Or Chaim Congregation will welcome Paul Wilbur! Paul is a Prophetic psalmist and songwriter who has been a blessing to people all over the world, not only by his incredible Messianic music, but also in his message proclaiming the Kingdom and the Beauty of King Yeshua the Messiah-Lord of all the Earth! He will be with us for our morning Shabbat Service August 14th at 10:30am ministering in music and the Word and then at GOMZ that evening at 6:30pm (doors will open at 5:30pm). If you would like to stay in the area after the morning service, feel free to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the beautiful outdoors up here on Lookout Mountain! The church doors will be locked from 3-5:30 pm as no saving seats. So, try here are also plenty of local restaurants in the area, and this would be a great opportunity to fellowship with other folks. A love offering will be taken for Paul and his ministry during the morning service. If you still want more of Paul, join Gateway On Mount Zion Church on Sunday August 15th at 10am. It would be a good idea to arrive early to these events as many folks will be visiting and this is also a great opportunity to invite friends and family members and to introduce them to great Messianic worship! Look forward to seeing you there!

On Saturday August 21st at 5:30pm we will have our monthly Havdalah celebration at Lee Cooperman’s new house! His address is 7574 S. Grand Baker Ct. Aurora, 80016. These are wonderful evenings of fellowship, food and a fun way to close out the Shabbat, and of course all are welcome. This will be a potluck meal, so we will let you know in the next week what kind of food to bring. We will bless Lee’s new house as we affix a ‘Mezuzah’ to his front door!

As you can see, there is much happening! The Fall Feasts will begin with Yom Teruah on Monday September 6th, and we will be having a joint celebration service with GoMZ that evening at 6:30pm. We will be sending a flyer out soon with all the dates and times of our Feast events. Stay in touch, stay informed and stay in prayer over these significant and important days!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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