Shabbat 3/5/2020

Shabbat Shalom!

With the festival of Purim just around the corner, we pause in the Biblical calendar to remember God’s covenant faithfulness as He protects His people no matter where thy are at. Also, we are inspired by the story of a young Jewish girl and her loving uncle who are used to exposed an evil plot of an anti-semitic monster, always remembering that God uses ordinary people in extraordinary times to do incredible things! We will be enjoying hamantashen (triangle-shaped filled pastries) after the service during our Oneg. On Saturday evening March 7th all are invited to Congregation Roeh Israel Congregation at 8556 East Warren Avenue, Denver 80231for a Purim play entitled "THE RETURN OF THE JEWDIE”, at 7pm. As you can tell from the title, this is going to be a fun evening! This is a free event and an opportunity to invite friends to hear the wonderful story in an entertaining way!

Next Shabbat, March 14thth, I will continue looking at THE CROSS IN THE TANACH, with an in-depth explanation of one of the most prophetic Psalms, chapter 22. I fall in love all over again with Yeshua every time I read about the horrible death our Messiah suffered that Passover some 2000 years ago, a death that I deserved! You may be wondering “what about this Shabbat?” This week our own Kent Brown will be sharing a message that Father has put on his heart! Kent is one of our deacons and teaches Hebrew every week and is such a gifted teacher! The presence of the Lord has been powerful in our midst, so I want to encourage you to come and experience Him in a real way! God is moving and speaking and I look forward to what He will do this Shabbat and what He is doing in our day. THERE WILL BE A POT-LUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP! After Oneg, our dance team will be meeting to learn new dances for our Passover celebration and all are welcome to attend, no experience necessary!

Our annual Passover Seder will be held on Wednesday, April 8th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in the Stapleton neighborhood, so get your tickets now! You can go on to our website www.Or-Chaim.comand purchase your tickets. We encourage you to get tickets early because seating is limited and we usually sell out. This will be an awesome evening of re-telling the story of the remarkable deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, and also worship of our Lamb who was slain and delivered us from the slavery of sin! Starting on Friday March 13th at 6:30pmand for the following 3 weeks, we will be gathering at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship to celebrate an Erev Shabbat service as we welcome in the Shabbat! It begins with a light supper of soup and bread followed by worship and a teaching on the Tabernacle. The address is 9250 E. Belleview Ave. Greenwood Village 80111.This is a joint celebration with their church and a great opportunity to see our city come into the Joh 17 One New Man unity we so desperately need!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat Leap Year 2/29/2020

Shabbat Shalom!We are officially entering a busy time as the Biblical calendar goes! Next week Purim starts, and we are already beginning to plan our Passover Seder. God is doing exciting things and the Kingdom is advancing, and at the same time forces of darkness are coming against us with fear of pandemics and anxiety about global markets and socialism. I find much comfort in the words of our Yeshua who said “Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God; TRUST ALSO IN ME.” This Shabbat, February 29th, I will be sharing the second part of a message on THE CROSS IN THE TANAKH, as we focus in on what was prophesied and fulfilled in the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP. Remember, Hebrew study is at 9am and Torah Club will be at 3pm, with Messianic dance right after the meal. You can see that Shabbat is a full day on the mountain!This Sunday, March 1st, the Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will be having their quarterly gathering at the Koelbel Library, 5955 S. Holly St. Centennial 80121 between 1-4pm. All you ladies are invited, and this is a great opportunity to invite your friends and family to this special time of worship and encouragement! Our own Millie Lieberman will be sharing a wonderful and uplifting message!This Friday evening at 7pm at Church In the City/Beth Abraham we will be joining together with leaders and intercessors and lovers of God for the DENVER PRAYER AND IGNITE EVENT!Tim and Sandy Ravan will be special guests this evening and this is what they say about this event, “We believe God is taking His Church away from reactionary prayer to an even more effective place of praying into future events and strategic moves before they happen.” I believe that prayer and unity in the body of Messiah are crucial to see His purposes on planet Earth fulfilled in our lifetime! All are welcome to this special event so come on out and join with us.As mentioned, we are already in the midst of planning for our annual Passover Seder that will be taking place on Wednesday April 8th at 6:30pm! This year we will be having it at the Embassy Suites, 4444 North Havana Streetin the Stapleton neighborhood, just off Interstate 70. You can purchase tickets by going on the Or Chaim website and follow the promptings. If you don’t feel comfortable in buying tickets in this way, just contact Siri Crider to work out payment. This is going to be a wonderful evening of recounting the amazing Exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, and celebrating the Passover Lamb as He delivered us from slavery from sin! This is a family event, so bring the children and also folks who have never experienced a Seder before! We will be served a wonderful meal, and will also enjoy great worship. We do want to encourage you to get tickets early as this annual event tends to sell out and seating is limited!Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401

Passover invite 2020.jpeg

Shabbat Feb 22,2020

Shabbat Shalom! This has been a wonderful and jam-packed week, as Millie and I, along with the Larsen’s and the Rich’s attended the First Fruits of Zion conference in Orlando. It was entitled “MALCHUT 2020”, the term refers to “Kingdom”, and included revelationary teaching on the Kingdom of God and how we are to understand it and proclaim it in the world we live in. I was asked to bring a short report of our work into the Federal Correctional Institute in Lakewood. What an honor that night when me and Millie and Dr. Helene Dalaire whose vision this was, were presented with the Outreach Achievement award that evening! We all had a wonderful time  of fellowship with Torah Club folks from literally all over the world! This Shabbat, February 22nd, we will be continuing our study of our Biblical roots with a message entitled THE WORK OF THE CROSS IN THE TANACH. There is so much confusion and mis-information about the most transformational event in world history! We will walk through key passages in Isaiah 52-53, and see that what was prophesied hundreds years before Yeshua was not just so that we “can go to heaven!” I checked the weather and it’s going to be a beautiful day on the mountain! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR GREAT FELLOWSHIP. Passover is coming up on Wednesday April 8th! We will be celebrating our Seder this year at the Embassy Suites at Interstate 70 and Havana! Tickets are on sale now, so you can go to our Or Chaim website and purchase your tickets.This will be an incredible evening as we recount the amazing story of redemption of the Jewish people from Egypt. Also, we will enjoy a great meal and of course all are invited to this community event. We encourage you to get your tickets early as they usually sell out and tickets will not be available the night of the Seder. This Shabbat, we will be having our Hebrew class at 9am. Following our Oneg, David and Laura will be teaching Messianic dance and all are welcome to this. At 3pm, Torah Club will be held downstairs in the fellowship room. Ladies...CMWF QUARTERLY GATHERING March 1, 1-4 pm Sunday at Koelbel Library. Bring snack food to share! Blessings and Shabbat Shalom! Stewart and Millie 166 S Lookout Mtn Rd Golden CO 80401

Passover invite 2020.jpeg

Shabbat 2/15/2020

Shabbat Shalom!

Last Shabbat, despite the snow of the previous day we were blessed by Doug Hershey and had a wonderful day of being in the presence of the Holy One Of Israel! In the evening at the Larsen’s home, we had an impactful time of teaching with much discussion and great questions and we talked about our upcoming journey to the land in late summer. More details on this exciting initiative too follow! 

This Shabbat, February 15th, I will continue on the theme of our BIBLICAL Foundation ROOTS with a message about THE GOSPEL IN THE TANACH, as we see that the Good News proclaimed in the New Testament was proclaimed hundreds of years earlier and that Yeshua Himself based His being Messiah on these Scriptures being fulfilled!


LADIES...mark your calendars for Sunday March 1 from 1-4pm for the Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship quartet gathering at Koelbel Library!  This is a great time of fellowship, worship, encouragement and time of uniting with other congregations in the community. 

As we are in the middle of winter we know that weather conditions may change quite suddenly (this is Colorado and we are in the mountains afterall!) so I want to share with you our inclement weather protocol. We check the weather conditions all the time as we get closer to Shabbat. I will send out an update on Friday night by Facebook and also to those on our email list. In the morning, we will send out another update about road conditions going up the mountain. We will cancel service if it is considered dangerous driving conditions, because your safety is our primary concern. So, my advise and desire is: PRAY FOR GREAT WEATHER ON SHABBAT! But, in all cases be wise!

We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat 2/1/2020

Shabbat Shalom!
Our nation is being torn apart by entrenched ideologies and viscous hatred, another Middle East peace plan has been unveiled and is being rejected by many, but the good news is God sits on His throne and laughs at those who boast against Him! A great opportunity to pray without ceasing, love Him with our whole being and to love the body of Messiah because we know the Day is approaching.

This Shabbat, February 1st, I will be continuing the theme of KNOWING OUR BIBLICAL ROOTS IN THE TANACH, with a message entitled “A  Prophet Like Moses” where we will explore the stunning similarities between Yeshua and Moses and why it is so important for us today. 

BRING A DISH TO SHARE AT OUR ONEG, AND STAY FOR WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP!  Torah Club and Dance Practice will follow. Hebrew study begins every Shabbat at 9:00 am

Remember, next Shabbat, February 8th, we will welcome Doug Hershey to share his amazing insights from the Parsha and about the day we are living in. He will also be sharing at the Larsen’s home in an informal Q&A time. We will be taking a love offering for Doug during the morning service so come prepared to bless him. 

On February 15th, ONEG will be cancelled and we will have our Havdilah evening at Michelle and Jim Bartlett’s home. More information will be coming from Michelle including theme, address, time, an directions. If you’ve never attended a Havdilah (closing of the Shabbat) you must come and experience this wonderful time of fellowship and worship together!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401

Doug Hershey at OrChaim.jpeg

Shabbat Shalom 1/25/2020

Shabbat Shalom!
The Presence of the Lord has been powerful on the mountain! I’ve heard testimonies of healings and breakthroughs and know that God is wanting to do so much more in our midst! I believe as we “linger” a bit longer than yesterday, incline our ear a bit closer to His heart and step out with greater boldness we will see His purposes in greater focus. Let’s keep our eyes and hearts fixed on him and not allow anything to stop the flow of precious oil of blessing being poured out among us. 

This Shabbat, January 25th, I will be continuing our study into our Biblical roots with a message on “The New Birth and a New way to live”! These are foundational teachings that we see throughout the Word of God but often only associate with New Testament church history. 


Torah Club and Biblical Hebrew are classes that are offered on Shabbat. Many have been blessed by these classes as they have applied what they have learned and have seen great change in their lives! I want to encourage you to get involved and if the Lord would put it in your heart to even start a ministry as part of Or Chaim come and talk to us!

Mark your calendar for Shabbat, February 8th, as Doug Hershey, author and prophetic teacher will be with us during our morning service and sharing at the Larsen’s home in the evening. 

Also, if you need prayer or breakthrough in a particular area, contact us so we can partner together and see great things happen!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat 1/18/2020 happy 4th Birthday OCC

Shabbat Shalom!
What a time to be living as children of our EL SHADDAI, ALMIGHTY GOD! We see a world in absolute chaos as rogue nations spew hatred and death as they “conspire together against Adonai” (Psalm 2), and here at home our nation is engulfed in an impeachment trial that has polarized and divided our country. However, their is good news also found in Psalm 2 in verse 4 it says “He who sits in Heaven laughs!” He also says to ask Him and He will give the nations as an inheritance...let’s ask for the salvation of those Iranians seeking for the True God who loves them.

As I often say, Shabbat comes at the most perfect time! We need to to put the craziness aside, be cleansed from the corruption of the world, and worship our Father and our King! Millie and I encourage all of you to pray without ceasing during this time and if Father would call you to fast while you are praying be obedient to what He says! As you pray, ask The Lord to expose the evil schemes of the enemy, silence the voice of ‘the accuser of the brethren” and that the RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE OF HIS THRONE IN HEAVEN WILL BE MANIFESTED IN OUR NATION! We all have our opinions, I have very strong ones, but at times like these, I am reminded of Joshua’s encounter with a man near Jericho. Joshua asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” The man’s reply was, “Neither, I have come as commander of Adonai’s army!” As we pray, trust that He is more than able to bring about His purposes and we do not need to fear because His plans are really good! He’s got it all under control from beginning to’s written in His Word!

This Shabbat, January 18th, I will be continuing my series on OUR RETURN TO BIBLICAL ROOTS. In this week’s message entitled “A Father And A Lamb” we will explore the Father’s Heart and see that it was not just a “New Testament” concept. Related to this, we will look at salvation in Yeshua as revealed in the Passover! Believe me, you will see things that you have never seen before! 


Remember we offer a Biblical Hebrew class at 9am, and Torah Club: Shadows of Messiah, will be at 3pm

Mark your calendars for February 8th! Doug Hershey, author, storyteller and prophetic teacher will be with us all day! We have gotten to know Doug over the last year, and enjoy his understanding and insights into thousands of years of Israel’s history and how it is being fulfilled before our very eyes. He will be with us during the morning service and will also share at Larry and Joyce Larsen’s home that evening. We will let you know the time and address as we get closer to that date.

Again, be in much prayer “linger” a bit longer than yesterday, and trust Almighty God in everything!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat 1/11/2020

Shabbat Shalom!
Hope and pray you all have had a wonderful first full week of 2020! I want to encourage you to “linger” in that place of HIS presence, longer than you did last year or even yesterday, simply because He has ONE MORE THING to say to you! I am excited about the topic that Father has us delving into...RETURNING TO OUR BIBLICAL ROOTS. This week we will be exploring the God of Mercy and Grace and how He is all over the Old Covenant! As a matter of fact, we will discover that Salvation by grace through faith has always been His plan and not just a New Covenant concept! You don’t want to miss this service as His sweet presence has been so powerful on the mountain! 


This week we had the awesome joy of immersing Jennifer a Jewish woman in Yeshua as a next step in her commitment to Him! What a glorious time as Father spoke prophetically over her and encouraged her in her faith. We want to encourage any of you who want to follow the Lord in this commandment to contact us to arrange the immersion as this is an important step in our growth in Him and fulfilling His purposes in our lives!

Of course this Shabbat, we will be having Biblical Hebrew  at 9 am, and Messianic dance practice at 2 pm and Torah Club meets after oneg at 3 pm they are studying SHADOWS OF MESSIAH, a wonderful bible study of the Torah portion for the week. Exciting things are happening on the mountain, so come on up and enjoy His Presence with the Mishpacha!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat 2020 Jan 4

Shabbat Shalom!
The Secular New Year is here, the holidays are behind us, family visits and too much food are fond memories and now a whole new 2020 is waiting for us to charge into! You’ll hear many “prophetic” words telling us what will and must happen, some are right from God’s heart, others, well … you know they may be very eloquent but if not from the throne room of heaven will inevitably flop! Millie and I have been praying for this upcoming year and sense that things that Father has spoken to you over the years will come into greater focus in 2020 (perfect vision!). For Or Chaim Congregation, we will take His love more boldly into a city, nation, and the nations with a greater passion than ever before. Families that have been fractured and wounded by past offenses will be healed and sons and daughters who have wandered into the darkness will have life-changing encounters with the author and light of life! I urge all of us to not give up or give in to complacency but press into greater levels of prayer and ruthless trust as we see the season of His return grows nearer each year!

This Shabbat, January 4th, I will be sharing a message that I have wanted to share for several weeks! We will return to the theme of A JOURNEY BACK TO BIBLICAL ROOTS. We will explore THE NATURE OF GOD IN THE TANACH, and understand an eternal truth that God never changes! There are some ancient heresies that are weaseling their way back into the body of Messiah that we need to resist and counter by embracing the unchanging nature of our loving Father in the turbulent days ahead. As we have seen through history, we have an enemy that wants to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ and he has reared his ugly head by using the same old lies he has always used. Also, we have seen just in the last few days a rise of anti-semitism and hatred toward our people. The message too us is: be firm in our faith, be bold in our witness, and be loving to those around us!

We so look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat! Unfortunately, because of the most recent snowstorm, we had to cancel our service last week. Yes, WE WILL BE HAVING A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Happy New Year Mishpocha!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


Shabbat 12/28/2019

Shabbat Shalom! Hanukkah is in full swing as we celebrate the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), remembering the victory of a remnant of Jewish patriots who refused to bow to compromise and idolatry and the time Yeshua revealed Himself as One with the Father. Also, it’s the season that Christians around the world celebrate the birth of our Savior. For us, it’s all about Yeshua, the Light of the World and the life that He brings to all of us! This Shabbat, we will light the Hanukkah menorah (Hanukkiah) for day 6 of the festival! We will also welcome a good friend of ours, Matthew Smoler, who is part of our Tikkun family and also ministers with the International House Of Prayer. Him and I will share what we see God doing during this crucial time in the movement toward the end of the age. WE WILL NOT HAVE AN ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, WITH SO MANY OF OUR MISHPACHA OUT OF TOWN and our Hanukkah Celebration Sunday night. December 29th at 6pm we will be joining with several congregations and churches for a COMMUNITY HANUKKAH CELEBRATION AT CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM. It will be an awesome night of fellowship and worship as we continue to build unity in the city! Please bring a dessert or a traditional dish such as latkes to share! Millie and I just want to let you all know how much you mean to us, and how special you are to our precious Lord! We are excited about all that Yeshua wants to do in and through us in 2020! Shalom and Blessings, Stewart and Millie 166 S Lookout Mtn Rd Golden CO 80401


Shabbat 12/21/2019

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
This weekend we enter the Biblical festival known as Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication)! It is a wonderful time as we remember the heroism of a small group of Jewish patriots who had a passion to restore righteousness and purity back to the temple of God! Its a time for us to rededicate our passion for Yeshua, His Word and embrace the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. Yeshua (Jesus) Himself participated in this festival and boldly took the opportunity to proclaim that He was “Messhiach El”, the Messiah of God! I will share a special message this Shabbat about the significance of this season.

This is going to be a fun Shabbat, followed by a POT-BLESS ONEG, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP! You may be wondering if it would be appropriate to bring potato latkes or sufganiot (jelly doughnuts) to Oneg this Shabbat… bring them on!!! These are traditional foods at Hanukkah, as well as kugel and blintzes, sweet foods prepared with oil.

This is a special time of the year, many of will be visiting with family and friends and for some of you, it may even be an awkward time with the overlap of Hanukkah and Christmas. It is also an exciting time to introduce others to this wonderful Biblical Feast of Dedication. I want to encourage all of you to be sensitive and non-judgmental toward others who may not worship the same way as you do at this time of the year. This is a wonderful opportunity to embrace the ONE NEW MAN we are called to be! I love the fact that we celebrate the “Festival of Lights” at this time of the year and we worship Yeshua, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD AND EMMANUEL GOD WITH US!

December 29th at 6pm we will be participating in a COMMUNITY HANUKKAH CELEBRATION at Church In The City/Beth Abraham. Congregations and churches throughout the metro area will be coming together to worship and fellowship together as we light our ‘Hanukkiot’ and end the evening with snacks and desserts!

We look forward to seeing you at Shabbat this week!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat 12/14/19 Special Guest Recording Artist Ted Pearce

Shabbat Shalom!
This year, 2019, is quickly and predictably coming to an end. Some would say “good riddance!”, others would say “where did it go?”, but for many of us it is an opportunity to look back, make adjustments, thank Father for all things, and ask Him for wisdom and direction for 2020. God has been faithful to us at Or Chaim! New folks have come, we have seen people set free from fears and bondages and healed from diseases and made whole! These are things that we can rejoice in! This Shabbat, December 14th, will be a special service as we welcome Messianic recording artist Ted Pearce up to the mountain! Many of his songs you know and we sing often in our congregations. He has a passion for Israel and the Jewish people and it comes through in his music and testimony. Invite your friends and families for this fun and glory filled time at Or Chaim! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG (GREAT FOOD!) FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!

This Shabbat, David and Laura Aronstein will be leading a BEGINNING MESSIANIC DANCE CLASS, at 3pm! They have an anointing in dance and are wonderful as trainers and this will be a lot of fun! ALL ARE INVITED AND NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY, IF YOU LOVE TO WORSHIP, COME ON OUT AND BE PART OF IT! Also, remember Biblical Hebrew class at 9am and Torah Club at 3pm!

Hanukkah is coming up! This wonderful Festival of dedication begins on the evening of Sunday December 22nd. We will let you know of various activities that will be taking place, and where they will be. One thing you can put on your calendar is the COMMUNITY HANUKKAH CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE AT CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM AT 6PM on Sunday Dec 29th. Messianic congregations and churches throughout the metro area will be coming together to celebrate and worship our Messiah together as ONE NEW MAN on this last night of this Biblical Mo’ad! If you would like to host a night of candlelighting at your home with greasy sufganiot or latkes let me know so we can get the word out.
We look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401


Shabbat 12/7/2019

Shabbat Shalom!
On a personal note, this was moving week! Millie and I sold our townhouse in Westminster and have moved farther “up the mountain” to Genesee! We love our new place, but moving can be pretty consuming as you can imagine. Stay tuned for our ‘housewarming’ when you all will be invited to come up for fellowship! This Shabbat, December 7th I will start a new series entitled “A JOURNEY BACK TO OUR BIBLICAL ROOTS”. There has been a movement in the body of Messiah to “unhitch” itself from the Jewish scriptures, with the injunction that all we need is Jesus! How can we possibly do this when so much of our Old Testament speaks about Yeshua! We need to become passionate about the Word of God, and see that Genesis 1:1 is as much a part of our faith as John 3:16! Hope you can all come out and join us. WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!

Our Shabbat day is a full day with Hebrew study at 9am led by Kent Brown. This has been a blessing to those who have been diligent to understand the language of the scriptures and learning to read and write this beautiful language. At 3pm we have been having Torah Club, and they have been studying Torah from the perspective of the “Shadows of the Messiah”. Wonderful times, so come on out and join us!

Recently I mentioned that we will be having an Immersion (Baptism) service at Roeh Israel this Sunday , December 8th. This event is postponed until a later date. If the Lord has put on your heart to be immersed please let me know as we look to reschedule this event.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401

Praying for and Saying goodbye to Mary Jane! We will miss her!

Praying for and Saying goodbye to Mary Jane! We will miss her!

Shabbat Nov 30, 2019

Shabbat Shalom!
Millie and I, and all the leadership team at Or Chaim Congregation want to wish all of you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! We know that for many of you, this has been a difficult and challenging year: illness, family tragedy, financial hardship and other faith-shaking events have caused us to cry out to our Faithful Father. What a great time to cry out to our God with the words of the Psalmist, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1)! We are thankful for each and every one of you and pray that God will pour out HIS goodness and blessings upon you and your families, and that the upcoming year will be one of overflowing provision and release of destiny!

This Shabbat, November 30th, I sense that Father is leading us to begin a JOURNEY BACK TO OUR BIBLICAL ROOTS! There has been a subtle, and also a not so subtle attempt to “unhitch” our faith from the Torah, the prophets, and the ancient writings (Tanach), and to minimize the “ancient paths” as irrelevant in the 21st century, after all, they say, don’t we just need more of Jesus (Yeshua)? Yes intimate relationship with Yeshua is of the highest priority for living out Torah in the Spirit! However, people wonder, “how did we get where we are at today?” The Lord is bringing us as His Body to a place of renewing our love and allegiance to the ENTIRE COUNSEL OF HIS WORD! Come and join us this Shabbat as we begin this journey!


As was mentioned last week, we want to provide an opportunity for those who have not been immersed (baptized), or who feel they need to be re-immersed, to follow The Lord in obedience. Acts 2:38 says “ Repent and be immersed, every one of you, in the name of Yeshua The Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh.” We do not believe that the act of immersion in itself saves us, but we believe it is a Biblical injunction for all Believers. It is a public proclaiming that Yeshua is now Lord of my life! If you would like to be immersed, please let me or one of the elders know. At this time we are planning a service for the weekend of December 7-8, PLACE AND TIME TO BE DETERMINED!

This Sunday, December 1st, the COLORADO MESSIANIC WOMENS FELLOWSHIP will hold its quarterly gathering at the Koelbel Library, 5955 S.Holly St., Centennial 80121, between 1pm and 4pm. This a great place to meet other ladies from around the State, worship together and be encouraged and inspired by one another! Come on out and enjoy the fellowship and bring some snacks to share!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat November 23, 2019

Shabbat Shalom!
Hope you are having a great week! Have you ever felt “out of your element”? This week I experienced one of those times. I had been invited to speak at Denver Seminary to teach on Eschatology by the Dean of Messianic Studies Program. I’ve never set foot in a Seminary nor have I taught any college level class Before However it went well and we all had a wonderful time! What a great opportunity to share about the significance of the day we are living in and discuss how then we shall live as light in the world. Please continue to pray for Chaim Urbach who is the usual professor of this class and is recovering from a stroke he suffered two weeks ago.

This Shabbat, November 23rd, I will complete a series on The Glory, what it is and how to walk in it. All I know is That many at Or Chaim want to experience the glory more and more and desire to see people saved, healed, delivered and the kingdom advance into every corner of our world!

This will be a special Shabbat as we celebrate Yeshua’s Table (communion) during our service.

WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING OUR MORNING SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! These times are special as we get to know one another better over a meal, so I want to encourage you to join us and bring your favorite dish.

The Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will have their quarterly gathering on Sunday December 1st at Koelbel Library, 5955 S. Holly St. Centennial 80121. It is from 1pm-4pm and is a wonderful time of worship and dance with an inspiring message and great fellowship! Come on out and meet other Messianic women from all over Colorado!

Many other things are going at OCC, including Torah Club, Hebrew class, and don’t forget Hanukkah is just around the corner! We look forward to seeing you on Shabbat!

Blessings, Shabbat Shalom and we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving this next week.

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401


Shabbat Nov 16, 2019

Shabbat Shalom!
With Thanksgiving just around the corner why not take an opportunity to count the many things you have to be thankful for! Our spouses, families, our health, our relationships to name just a few. Most importantly, I am thankful for Yeshua’s presence in my life and for the fact that God always sees me and shows his amazing love in tangible ways. Let’s all become people who are quick to be genuinely thankful in all things! This Shabbat, November 16th, I want to share a fresh message from The Lord, that has encouraged me immensely and I hope it will you too! Remember, we have an adversary who wants to keep us miserable and feeling helpless and we are always in a place of warfare. So let’s be thankful and look upward!


Many of us have gotten to know Terry King and his mother, Letha, who would accompany Terry every week. She passed into her final reward last week. There will be a service honoring her life next Wednesday, November 20th at 10 am at GOMZ.

We so look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat. Remember, we have a Biblical Hebrew class every Shabbat at 9am, and our Torah Club at 3pm. we are so looking forward to seeing you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn Rd Golden CO 80401


Shabbat Nov 9, 2019

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
Millie and I returned back from our vacation late last night! As you can imagine, it was a wonderful and memorable anniversary celebration of 44 years. My, where has the time gone?! Back then, we had no gray hair, our waist lines were a bit smaller, but our love has grown so much and so deep!
This Shabbat, November 9th, I will be sharing a message from my series on The Glory. We will be exploring how the Glory is manifested, and that God has called us to be vessels of His glory.


Our Torah Club will be taking place at 3pm, as well as Kent’s Biblical Hebrew class at 9am.

For those who don’t know LuAnn Mitchell had surgery to remove a spot on her kidney. She wrote and said all went well and she may be able to go home tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.

We so look forward to seeing everyone, it feels like it’s been forever! We have missed all of you and you have all been in our prayer!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
