Shabbat 9/17/2023


Have you had those weeks when it seems like we you lost a few days because of busy schedules and pressing appointments? Well, it has been one of those weeks! However, Shabbat is on the way! We are sensing building anticipation and expectation for what God is going to do during this upcoming season of the Fall Feasts, not just in our meetings together to observe these special times, but that HE wants to breakthrough in our individual lives, families and in our nation. Also, many of us have been praying specifically that Jewish eyes and hearts will will be able to see clearly their Messiah, and experience His love for them! Thinking back on my life, I had my first encounter with Yeshua and bowed my knee to him during this season in 1979! Please continue to pray for the Jewish community here in the Front Range, and fast if the Lord would lead you to do that!


Sunday evening September 25th at 6:30pm we will be having out YOM TERUAH CELEBRATION ( FEASTS OF TRUMPETS), as we join with our Gateway On Mt. Zion family to sound the shofar and welcome Hebrew year 5783! All are welcome to this special appointed time, as we meet under the tent and worship the King and enter into the 10 Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) leading up to Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). GOMZ is having a fundraiser dinner buffet before the service at Genesee Pub & BBQ Grill for $22 per person beginning at 4pm-7pm to sign up:

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 9/10/2022

Shalom Everyone!
The Hebrew month of Elul is in full swing, with many folks fasting and praying and drawing closer to their King as the Fall Feasts approach! The news media this week is of course reporting of the passing of Queen Elisabeth, who reigned over the British empire for 70 years, my whole lifetime. As far as I know, the longest serving monarch in modern history. Last Shabbat I shared about the King being in the field, a King that died for all of us, was resurrected and lives eternally, and is inviting us to live with Him in His Kingdom forever! The Queen of England lived a long life, reigned during an incredible time in history, met with so many world leaders, including every President of the U.S. since Truman, yet now she must bow before the King of Kings, the One who holds all things in the palm of His hand … Just to give a bit of perspective! EVERYONE will acknowledge who He is and see His glory! She was gracious and dignified and committed to serving her people, Our eternal King is also gracious, full of Glory and blesses us in so many ways, and His favor and his eyes are always on us and he will never disappoint us!

THIS SHABBAT SEPTEMBER 10TH AT 11AM WE WILL MEET AT THE DWELLING PLACE BECAUSE OF THE COOLER WEATHER! THE ADDRESS IS 16800 W. 9TH AVE. GOLDEN, 80401. ALSO, PLESE KNOW THAT WE WILL NOT HAVE A LUNCH AFTER THE SERVICE! I will be sharing an important message about ACCEPTING OUR REWARDS! Don’t know how it is with you, but receiving a gift or recognition for something is sometimes hard and may even feel awkward. As I have looked at the Scriptures in the life of David, the ability to receive rewards actually positioned him for his destiny as king and much more!

We hope to see you all at our Shabbat service as we worship the King, and fellowship with on a another! We will be live-streaming our service tomorrow so if you can’t make it you can go on Youtube. For giving, you can go to our Or Chaim website, and at MENU go to GIVING AND TITHING and click on the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Your faithfulness in giving has blessed many in our Congregation as well as Israel and the nations! Just a reminder, The Feasts Adonai will begin with Yom Teruah (Rosh HaShana) on the evening of Sunday September 25thwith a special service on the ‘Mountain’ under the tent!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 3, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!
We have entered into the month of Elul. Depending on how you look at it, it is either the 12th month of the Jewish civil year or the 6th month of the Biblical year! Not to worry, it is a special time for all of us, as we prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days. Traditionally is a time of examining our hearts and inviting our king to expose any and all hindrances and sins that keep us from experiencing intimacy with our God! I sensed from the Lord as I was preparing a message for this week to explore what this important time is all about. In the Tanach, we see that it was a time that Israel’s kings would often venture out of the palace in Jerusalem, to mingle with the workers in the field and to re-connect with his people. Our king Yeshua is in the field and wants to meet with His sons and daughters! Come on up to the ‘Mountain’ this Shabbat and let's meet with the King together! WE WILL BE MEETING UNDER THE NEW TENT AT GATEWAY ON MT. ZION, 166 S.LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN RD., GOLDEN 80401 AT 11AM! Bring a dish to share and lets have lunch together and enjoy fellowship with one another!

As I mentioned, the Fall Feasts of The Lord are just around the corner and we are working on the schedule for our events. On Sunday September 25th at Sundown we will gather under the tent on the Mountain to celebrate Yom Teruah, The feast of Trumpets, with our dear friends of Gateway on Mt. Zion! Bring your Shofar and prepare for an awesome evening! Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement will be on the evening of Tuesday October 4th. Succoth will begin on Sunday October 9th, and we are preparing a special ‘camping’ adventure for the weekend of 10/14-10/16! We will be joining with Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown where we will welcome our dear friend The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock for special services. We will be giving you more information as the time draws closer.

As we will be under the tent, we will not be live-streaming, so come on up and then head out of town for your Labor Day holiday! We want to encourage to be faithful in your giving especially as we are entering this special time of the year. You can go to our Or Chaim website and follow the prompts for GIVING or mail checks to 23696 Pondview Pl. Golden, Co. 80401.

We love you all and look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shalom,
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Aug 20, 2022

Shalom Mishpacha!


Next Thursday August 25th Or Chaim will host our dear friend from Zambia, Africa, Alex Yalenga and his family at 6:30pm at The Dwelling Place! Alex is a Messianic leader who has a heart to reach the Jewish tribal people living in Zambia and around the world. They currently have an ongoing outreach to the Lemba Jews and are distributing bibles, clothing and providing clean water to these wonderful people and are seeing amazing fruit! All are welcome to this event and we will take an offering to bless Alex and the wonderful work of Zambia Messianic Fellowship (ZMF) and the Lemba tribal outreach!

Also, we will be having our monthly Men’s Meeting on Sunday August 28th at 10amat Bill Thorn’s home. His address is: 8503 W. 8th Ave, Lakewood 80215, and his phone number is (303)359-1682. ALL MEN ARE WELCOME! These are great times of fellowship and encouragement, so bring a breakfast/brunch type of dish to share! Also, if the ladies want to get together and go have breakfast while we meet, let Denette know!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788.  You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401. 

We are live-streaming through:
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We love you all and look forward to worshipping with you this week!


Stewart and Millie

Shabbat August 13, 2022

Shalom Mishpacha!

Hope you are all doing well! THIS SHABBAT, AUGUST 13THWE WILL BE MEETING ON THE MOUNTAIN AT GATEWAY ON MT. ZION UNDER THE TENT AT 11AM! WE WILL NOT BE MEETING AT THE DWELLING PLACE, AS WE HAVE FOR THE LAST MONTH DUE TO A PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED CONFERENCE AT THAT LOCATION. THE ADDRESS FOR GoMZ IS 166 S. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN ROAD, GOLDEN 80401. Come on out and enjoy the presence of Adonai, with an incredible view as we worship the King in this beautiful tent! You will be protected from the sun, and they have placed incredibly clean “sanitary facilities”! I believe that The Lord has given me a very important message to share especially with all the ‘insanity’ happening around us. We have been learning to be GIANT KILLERS over the last many weeks and and this Shabbat we will explore and learn how to defeat the power of fear in our lives!. BRING A PICNIC LUNCH FOR AFTER THE SERVICE, AND PLEASE REMEMBER WE DO NOT HAVE ANY KITCHEN FACILITY TO HEAT UP THINGS OR WASH DISHES! STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP AND ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN!

The next Men’s Meeting will be Sunday August 28th at 10amat Bill Thorn’s home. All men are invited to these wonderful times of encouragement and refreshing, as we spend time with one another and help each other become men of God in our homes, the Congregation and our local communities. We will send out his address in another email.

Millie and I and the rest of the leadership of Or Chaim want to thank all of you for your faithfulness in giving financially to the needs of this ministry! When we began as a Congregation seven years ago we committed to support ministries first in Israel and then into the nations. We continue to do this, and as we bless those works, we become partakers of the fruit of their ministry! Israelis are being discipled and holocaust survivors are being fed and honored as a result of your giving. Orphans in Kenya are being clothed, fed and able to go to school as a result of your faithfulness in giving, and also drink clean water! Locally, we continue to work toward the building of the One New Man that will hasten the return of our Lord. You can give through various ways: You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘or chaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may also send checks to 23696 Pondview Pl., Golden, Co. 80401. This week we will NOT be live-streaming as we meet in the tent!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat August 6, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!

We are in the midst of an historically significant time for the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem. Known as the period of the Dire Straits, culminating on the 9th of Av (evening of August 6th), it is when both Temples were destroyed and many disastrous and horrible things have come upon the Jewish people, including during the Inquisition and the Holocaust. The entire book of Lamentations describes many of these events, and also prophetically speaks about the suffering of Messiah Yeshua. It is also a time when we are to cry out to our God, for His salvation and deliverance and for His protection for the Jewish people! We will be soon entering the season of T’Shuva (repentance), when we prepare our hearts for the Fall feasts and the return of Yeshua! I want to encourage you to not give up in your praying for the Jewish people, as well as the unsaved ones in your families, especially as we see the darkness and evil of this present day becoming so blatant!

This Shabbat August 6th we will be continuing on the theme of being GIANT SLAYERS, with a very practical message on HOW TO DEAL WITH CRITICISM AND FACING FEAR! Millie and I are back from a little getaway and are looking forward to seeing all of you! WE ARE STILL MEETING AT THE DWELLING PLACE, 16800 W. 9TH AVENUE IN GOLDEN, 80401 AT 11AM! We have been having some really wonderful times in the Presence of The Lord, so come on out and and join with us! Bring a dish to share and enjoy fellowship after the service with the Mishpacha!

Remember, Sunday August 7this race day at Bandimere speedway in Morrison! For those who purchased tickets, they will be meeting up with Lee Cooperman at the entrance at 11am. The monthly men’s meeting will be Sunday August 28th at 10am, and the place is still to be determined. All men are invited to this special time of fellowship, encouragement and of course food! We need one another during these difficult days, so come on out and be a blessing to one another!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401. 

We are live-streaming through:
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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

By the way…Paul Wilbur will be speaking in the open air tent at Gateway on Mt Zion Church on Sunday at 10 am!

Shabbat July 30th Ted Pearce!


Last week we had a wonderful time as we met at The Dwelling Place! Messianic recording artist Ted Pearce joined us for a wonderful time of worship as we lifted up our glorious King Yeshua. That afternoon, several of us went to downtown Denver and had an outreach on the 16th Street mall. Our dancers praised Adonai and as people stopped we were able to engage in conversations about the person of Yeshua, and were privileged to pray for several folks! Please lift up Igor, his wife and 2 kids who recently moved here from Ukraine, and are trying to get her parents out of that war torn country. They absolutely loved our worship and we were able to pray for their transition to life in the USA!

This Shabbat July 30th we are blessed to have Ted Pearce with us again! He will be sharing his uniquely anointed worship and also some things that God has put on his heart. This will be a great opportunity to invite friends to hear Ted and be blessed by his music and testimony! WE WILL AGAIN BE MEETING AT THE DWELLING PLACE, 16800 W. 9th AVE. GOLDEN, 80401, AND WE WILL BE MEETING AT 11AM. JOIN WITH IS FOR FELLOWSHIP AND LUNCH AFTER THE SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE!

Millie and I have been enjoying a time of rest up in Wyoming in a desolate parsonage next to a little white church called Golden Prairie Community church. It is surrounded by wheat farms that desperately need prayers for rain. We are praying for them and ask you to please pray for us as we are being restored, physically and spiritually, from all of the events of the last months!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

We are live-streaming through:


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We love you all and look forward to worshipping with you this week!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Shalom 7/16/2022

Shabbat Shalom,
Unfortunately there was a fire in the Sanctuary at Gateway on Mt. Zion early this morning. No one was in the building at the time so thankfully there were no injuries or worse. This has been the Congregational home for Or Chaim since we started. Of course, we are all stunned as we were just with church staff and the senior pastors David and DeeDee Thompson to see the damage. The good news is, they are not discouraged or in any way distracted from what God has called them to do from that Mountain! Together, we will rebuild and see God’s glory once again from this strategic place!

WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK LUNCH FOLLOWING OUR SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE! We will celebrate because we know that what the evil one meant for harm, GOD WILL TURN FOR HIS GLORY! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE TOMORROW! Oh, by the way, both Torah scrolls are still in tact and were not burned or damaged in any way!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat July 9, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!I may be sounding like a “broken record” sounding off every week about the significance of these days, but it is crucial that we are being more aware of what God is doing than being fearful of the happenings around us! Media, politicians, big tech and all the “woke” folk are telling us to "be afraid" and “be fearful" because things are spiraling out of control. Crime, inflation, Ukraine, gas prices, open borders, climate change … you name it, people are losing heart in the true God of the Universe, even among believers! You ask, what is God doing? He is exposing the corruption of a doomed world system, He is preparing a Bride for Himself, He is saving countless thousands of people around the world (Iran, China, Africa and the Middle East!), and He is continuing to heal diseases and break off demonic bondages everywhere! Need I say more? He spoke to me very clearly this morning out of the book of Joshua: Have I not commanded you? CHAZAK! BE STRONG! Do not be terrified or dismayed, for Adonai your God is with you wherever you go.” This is an encouragement for those who have lost heart, to stand firm in the truth that HE WILL ACCOMPLISH WHAT HE HAS PROMISED HE WILL DO!This Shabbat July 9th we will continue on the theme of being GIANT SLAYERS with a timely message entitled DON’T LOSE HEART! Come on up to the Mountain and worship with us and experience the Presence of Adonai in a powerful way! Tammy Vacura will be leading worship for us so we are excited about this. WE WILL BE CELEBRATING HAVDALAH ON SATURDAY EVENING SO THERE WILL BE NO ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE! All are invited to the Crider’s home on July 9th at 5:30pm to enjoy the end of Shabbat, great fellowship and awesome food! Russ and Siri will be providing BBQ brisket, grilled chicken and some fish. PLEASE BRING SIDES OF ALL KINDS — SALAD (POTATO, GREEN, COLE SLAW ETC.), OTHER VEGGIE DISHES OR POTATO DISHES. YOU CAN ALSO BRING DESSERTS OR BREAD, DRINKS WILL BE PROVIDED BUT IF YOU LIKE SODA, BRING IT! PARKING IS ON THE STREET , BUT PLEASE AVOID THE MAIL KIOSK SPACES FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD. PLEASE RSVP TO THE CRIDER’S AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU WILL BE BRINGING. THEIR ADDRESS IS: 22493 E. MAPLEWOOD LN. AURORA, 80015, AND THEIR PHONE NUMBER IS: (303)859-1250. WE LOOK FORWRD TO SEEING ALL OF YOU THERE!The Colorado Messianic Aglow will be having their monthly meeting at the Dwelling Place in Golden this Sunday July 10th from 3pm-6pm! All are welcome to these glorious times of worship and God encounters! The address is: 16800 9th Ave, Golden, 80401. This is not just for the ladies, you men are invited also! Bring snacks for fellowship at the end of the meeting.Blessings and Shalom!Stewart and MilliePs we will not be live-streaming on YouTube or Zoom for the next two weeks so come in person to see us!  Also donations may be given via our

Shabbat Shalom!

This weekend we celebrate our Declaration of Independence! 246 years ago on July 4th, the United States of America was established with the signing of a document that in the first paragraph includes these incredible and revolutionary words: “We hold these truths to be SELF EVIDENT, that all men are created equal, that they are ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS …” (emphasis added). The fact that God was acknowledged as the One that gives certain rights that were never to be infringed upon, set this nation apart from all other established nations at the time. Today, we are experiencing what I would consider to be demonic attacks on these “unalienable Rights”, something that has been happening over decades, and that we as the Body of Messiah must stand against before we lose them altogether! We are thankful for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but also realize that the battle here in Colorado is far from over as the legislature has passed a bill allowing abortion up until birth! Our Creator, the King of the Universe, has given us Rights but we have to fight with the “full armor of God” so that evil will be exposed and that His Kingdom will advance in our city, State and into our nation! Celebrate this weekend and pray with faith that righteousness and justice will be re-established in this land, darkness will continue to be exposed and that this nation will be a beacon of light once again to the world!

This Shabbat July 2nd we will be continuing with the theme of being Giant Slayers, with a message on ALIGNING WITH OTHERS. Covenant relationship with one another is so misunderstood in today’s culture of ‘convenience’ and superficiality. We will take a fresh look at the relationship between Jonathan and David, and see that because we are invited into covenant with God - we can enjoy covenantal relationship with one another! We will also celebrate the Lord’s Table (communion) during the service.

Join us after the service as we share a meal together! Bring a dish to share and enjoy fellowship and hopefully the weather will be nice so that we can appreciate the beauty of Lookout Mountain outside this week! On Saturday evening, there is an outreach opportunity around the Cherry Creek Arts Festival for those who can make it. We will meet at Cranmer Park (next to Temple Emanuel Synagogue) at 5:30pm and then walk over together to the festival. It would be great if you can make it! There will be quite a few opportunities for outreach this summer that we will be updating you about, as well as some amazing revival and prayer initiatives that will be happening in the area.

We love you all and look forward to worshipping with you this Shabbat!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401. 

We are live-streaming through:
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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat June 18, 2022

Shalom Mishpacha!

You might think that the days we are living in, I usually call them “crazy” or “insane” days, but today I will just use a Biblical term “perilous” to describe them, are unparalleled in human history, but really they are not. Throughout Scripture the Prophets and apostles describe similar times of great peril but always declare and explain for us how we are to live as overcomers in the midst of the chaos and violence surrounding us. Isaiah lays out a similar scenario in chapter 6 as he describes the vision he had and his interaction with the angelic hosts. The king of Judah had just died, the people were adrift and had wandered away from the ways of God. Three things transpired in this vision: He saw Adonai “high and lifted up” in all His glory; He recognized his and the people’s sinfulness, “For I am a man of unclean lips … dwelling among a people of unclean lips”; he received cleansing and forgiveness and a new commission! Today, with all the incredible shaking and upheaval taking place, our King and Heavenly Father is awakening His true bride, cleansing and preparing us and saying again, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” It is time for us to respond in the same way Isaiah responded, “Hineni” … here am I, send me! Yes, these are days of great peril, but we are His ambassadors to planet earth, so lets walk in His authority and power and complete the assignments He has given us!

This Shabbat June 18th we will be continuing on the theme of being GIANT SLAYERS and will be looking at the second part of Aligning with God … Remembering His Promises! A few weeks ago we focused on listening to God, and how God desires to speak to His covenant children but the problem is, are we listening? We learned how we can prepare ourselves for how to hear Him clearly, and come into alignment with Him. This week's message about trusting the promises of God will be one of the most important messages we can implement. Come on up to the mountain this Shabbat, worship with us and enjoy the fellowship with each other! 

After the service, WE WILL BE HAVING AN ONEG POTLUCK, SO BRING A DISH AND SPEND SOME TIME WITH THE FAMILY! The weather has been great up here and it’s actually cooler than in the city! 

Next week, we will be welcoming Scott Volk, a well known Messianic Jewish speaker and founder of Together For Israel Ministry to Or Chaim. It will be a great service, so invite your friends and expect good things and fresh revelation!

We look forward to seeing all of you!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401. 

We are live-streaming through:

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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat June 11, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!

In my role as Senior leader of Or Chaim, Pastor, Elder, Rabbi or just plain ol’ Stew and whatever other function is assigned ... I always want to bring encouragement and hope because that is what our life as believers in Adonai is all about! We have been saved by grace, redeemed and loved on by the God of the universe so that we can represent Him accurately to a world that is dark and getting darker and we have a promise of eternity that is incredible and undeniable! So, having stated our position in Him and the hope we have to look forward to, let me state some facts that we currently face in our nation and in our world just to put things in perspective: Gas is way up ($5+/gallon!); inflation is through the roof (8.6% over last year at this time); the border is wide open and getting worse; violent crime in our cities is off the charts; war and rumors of war are everywhere; corruption of our leaders in government, media and technology is blatantly in our faces and there is so much more I can document. But, I want to remind you of this truth that Rav Shaul speaks about in his letter to the Colossians,“For by Him ALL THINGS WERE CREATED — IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH, the seen and the unseen, whether thrones or angelic powers or rulers or authorities. ALL WAS CREATED THROUGH HIM AND FOR HIM … AND IN HIM ALL HOLDS TOGETHER. I don't know about you but these words encourage me and give me great hope for the days that are before us!

This Shabbat June 11th will be special time (they always are!) as we will focus on some wonderful things that are happening in Israel! A powerful yet humble woman of God who lives in the land, Sally Shiff, will be with us and will share what God is doing, real time, to encourage us and also to show us how to pray effectively for the land and the people. Come out to hear and see pictures of the new life happening in Israel!

THERE WILL BE NO ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE! Instead, we will be gathering at 5:30pm at the home of Cynthia Tucker to celebrate the end of the Shabbat, Havdalah! This is a precious time of fellowship, food and worship as we honor the Lord of the Sabbath, Yeshua, and prepare for the week before us. WE WILL BE GRILLING BURGERS SO PLEASE BRING SIDES AND SALADS APPROPRIATE FOR A BBQ (CHIPS, BAKED BEANS POTATO/MACARONI OR GREEN SALADS) OR DESSERT. ACTUALLY, BRING WHATEVER FOOD YOU HAVE A CRAVING TO EAT! CYNTHIA’S ADDRESS IS: 353 N. 9TH AVE. BRIGHTON, 80601. IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING PLEASE RSVP TO CYNTHIA AT (720)201-4229! Hope to see you all there, it will be fun! Don’t forget to bring a camping chair if you have one. It will be warm but beautiful!

This will be an exciting summer before us and we will soon be sharing some outreach opportunities that will be taking place over the next few months! Be encouraged, my friends, Yeshua is on His throne and He will equip us for all we need to walk in victory in the days ahead!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401. 

We are live-streaming through:

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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat May 28, 2022

Shalom Mishpacha!

What a week it has been for our nation! Again, evil raised its ugly head in a small town in Texas, and again it was the most vulnerable who were the victims. Little children coming to the end of a school year and looking forward to a summer of swimming and playing outside were robbed of their innocence and in 19 cases, their very lives, We grieve and of course the “usual suspects” spout their vile agendas about taking away guaranteed rights as if somehow a long rifle walked into a classroom on its own and created such carnage. Please don’t get me wrong, I agree something needs to be done but the issue is demonic evil, mental illness and a society that has lost its way. The true bride of Messiah has the answer and we need to be ever more bold in being what the Scriptures tell us we are and Yeshua Himself proclaimed, “The Ruach Adomai is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of Adonai’s favor.”We can wring our hands and get angry (yes, I am) and post our opinions on social media, or we can be intentional in sharing the hope that we have with others by praying for healing, deliverance, restoration and life to people we come into contact with! In a few days we will be celebrating Shavuot, God giving us Torah and sending His Ruach HaKodesh so we can share about His kingdom with great power!

Let me share about something that happened with me just the other day. I was having lunch with my pastor friend and the waiter made a comment to my friend that was sarcastic and unwarranted. We both looked at each other, rather puzzled, but we recognized right away something was going on in this young man. The waiter came back and I asked him if everything was alright, and he replied that a table full of people had just walked out of the restaurant without paying their bill! Of course, he would be responsible to cover the bill. I asked him if we could pray for him and he agreed. As we prayed for this young man right away his countenance changed and he expressed that he was sorry for his attitude, and we were able to share Yeshua with him right there in the restaurant! And by the way, my pastor friend made sure that his lost income was made up for! In these evil and momentous days, let’s all remember that we are Yeshua’s representatives here on earth and we can all be salt and light in a dark world!

This Shabbat May 28th there will be NO SNOW! Last week we had to cancel our service because we had about 13 inches of snow on the mountain! We will be continuing the theme we have been on for several weeks GIANT SLAYERS, with a message about How we can align with God? We will focus on Listening to God and hearing His voice. All the time we hear people say, “God spoke to me” or, "I heard God say …”, and others wonder if they have ever really heard God speak. I will say emphatically, GOD LOVES TO SPEAK WITH HIS CHILDREN, AND DESIRES TO COMMUNICATE WITH US MORE THAN WE REALIZE! Come on up to The Mountain and hear this important message and join us for awesome worship and fellowship. Bring a dish to share and have Oneg with us following the service!

Next week Or Chaim will be celebrating Shavuot with a special presentation and an inspiring message about this important feast. Remember, our God still sits upon His throne and He will not be mocked! Be encouraged, remain steadfast in the faith, and love one another!

Blessings and Shalom,

Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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SNOW STORM! Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Shalom!

You know you are in Colorado when one day you are wearing shorts and a tee shirt and it's 88 degrees and the next morning you wake up to freezing temperatures and 3 inches of snow (so far) on the ground! Well, its Springtime in the Rockies! I have been keeping my eye on the weather and we are expecting 13 inches of snow here in Genesee before this storm moves out tomorrow afternoon. SHABBAT SERVICES FOR MAY 21ST ARE CANCELLED! ALSO, THE SEAN FEUCHT EVENT, ‘LET US WORSHIP’ THAT HAD BEEN SCHEDULED FOR BOULDER ON SATURDAY HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH. As you know, I don’t like to cancel services! However, we want everyone to be safe and we don’t know what the roads will be like in the morning. Stay safe and warm!

I have been hearing a lot lately about the word ‘ALIGNMENT”, it’s not a new buzz word or new theology that we have to hear the latest podcast about. Actually, its quite specific and simple (not easy though!), it is defined as “the proper positioning or state of adjustment of parts in relation to each other”. You know when your wheels are out of alignment in your car because it shakes and shimmies at a certain speed. As children of God in covenant relationship with the God of the Universe, we are able to stay ‘in alignment’ with Him because of the blessings and promises of the New Covenant! The Apostle Peter says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM WHO CALLED US BY HIS OWN GLORY AND VIRTUE.” In the next few weeks as we continue our series on becoming Giant Slayers, we will explore two keys to walking in alignment. Hearing His voice and remembering His promises in the midst of competing voices is crucial in an upside down world that desires to derail you and me from what Father desires. So, next week we will look at something so basic, that its often overlooked, HOW TO HEAR HIS VOICE!

Remember, even though we are not meeting together this week, you can still give through our different donation methods: Go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and click the DONATE button and follow the prompts.Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833)877-2788. You can send checks to 23696 Pondview Pl. Golden, Co. 80401.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 5/14/2022

Just a short update this week, as Millie and I have been spending a few days in Moab, Utah. A time for some refreshing and enjoying this beautiful place! God, You have created some awesome landscapes and I marvel at Your creation!
We will be back on Friday evening, rested and ready for the upcoming season!

This Shabbat May 14th we will be continuing our journey into becoming Giant Slayers. It is imperative to realize and embrace our “Kairos” moment, as David did, to step into our destiny and walk into kingdom victory. Timing, God’s timing, is so important, so we are not relying on our own agenda or presumptions. Do you remember the old Chicago song “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?” Today Father is saying, “It’s Time!” Bring a lunch and enjoy some fellowship after service on the beautiful patio outside!
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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Shabbat Shalom!

What a wonderful and significant day we had at the Capitol yesterday! It was the National Day of Prayer and many of us gathered on the west steps to EXALT THE LORD, and to proclaim His Lordship over the State of Colorado in every “Mountain” of society. I could sense that there has been an atmospheric shift, even recently, as the Body of Messiah joins as one to declare who He is and that righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne! We are in the midst of an epoch spiritual battle that will not end until The King returns and sets up His throne in Jerusalem, but we can see that things are happening at breakneck speed and the evil plans of the enemy are being exposed so that we don’t have to be fearful or anxious about the future! GOD’S PLANS AND PURPOSES WILL NOT BE THWARTED! We all have a part to play in this hour so our prayer is that your Spiritual eyes and ears would hear what Father is saying in this season!

This Shabbat May 7th will be a special day as we will be looking into the rise of anti-semitism in the last days, We will be welcoming our good friend Jeremy Jacobs with Turn Ministries who will be sharing about this disturbing trend, and how we as the Bride can be equipped to stand against it, and be proclaimers of light and truth! I want to encourage everyone to come on up to the mountain for this informative and timely message! The weather is supposed to be warm and sunny, and Jeremy will be available for Q&A outside in the patio area from 1-2pm. Unfortunately, we have to be out of the building by 2pm, so bring a sandwich or a snack that can be enjoyed in the outdoors!

Mother’s Day is this Sunday! Millie and I want to wish all of you great blessings and we pray that this will be a day that you will be honored and spoiled by your family and loved ones! Also, be encouraged by our Father that He sees all that you do and He is well pleased!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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Shabbat 4/23/2022


We all enjoyed such a wonderful Passover Seder last week! Telling the story, singing the traditional songs and eating all the delicious food was such a special blessing! Now, we are in the season of “Counting the Omer” in anticipation of Shavuot when Adonai gave us Torah and the Ruach HaKodesh. A time of expectation for an abundant harvest and renewed hope especially as we see the darkness in the world seemingly increasing. The forces of this world want to tell us “your God is not strong enough” or “your God is a myth or a fairy tale for kids”, but I know that He is the God who WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME! Be encouraged, that even though we are living in a day where it seems that “lawlessness is multiplying”, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will do what He says He will do!

This Shabbat April 23rd I will be continuing on the theme of GIANT SLAYERS with a look at how we take back what the enemy has stolen. Also, we will explore and learn how to have breakthrough in every season! Honestly, this has been an intense time for Millie and I and many in our Congregation. It seems that the attacks have “ramped” up, with physical and medical challenges as well as attempts to divide and bring dis-unity among us. We shouldn’t be surprised when these things happen but it is so important to know what to do. In the midst of the fires of late, I have drawn much encouragement from the life of David, the original “Giant Slayer.” Also, we need each other in these days! It’s easy to stay home and live-stream or just stay in bed on Shabbat, but I like what the writer of Hebrews says “… let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds. And do not neglect our own meetings … but encourage one another - and ALL THE MORE AS YOU SEE THE DAY’S APPROACHING.’ STAY AFTER THE SERVICE AND ENJOY LUNCH AND FELLOWSHIP! BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND SPEND SOME TIME WITH THE FAMILY! See you on the mountain!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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Chag Pesach Sameach

Chag Pesach Sameach!
Wow, we have arrived at this very special season of Passover! A new year, a time to celebrate our freedom in Yeshua, our Pesach from sin, sickness and every enemy that would try to enslave us! Spring is a time of new beginnings and fresh hope after the winter, and a time to get the leaven out of our lives, not just our homes!

We will be meeting in homes on Friday evening April 15th, so we hope that you have made your arrangements! The Crider’s, Aronstein’s and Patricia DeLeon will be hosting for this special evening as we read through our Haggadah, sing our traditional songs like Dayenu and enjoy a sumptuous feast! BECAUSE WE WILL BE MEETING ON FRIDAY EVENING, WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR REGULAR SHABBAT SERVICE ON THE MOUNTAIN ON APRIL 16th! If for some reason you have not signed up for our Seders and you would like to attend, please let me know ASAP!

May you and your families experience incredible blessings during this season! We pray that HIS Shalom will rest upon you!
Blessings and Chag Sameach!
Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

Shabbat 4/9/2022

Shabbat Shalom!I’m sure for many of us, the last two years has been rather challenging (an understatement!), for some it has even been devastating and it would be fair to say that it has definitely caused all of us to re-examine our priorities. Our health, our families, our businesses our congregations and many of our relationships have had to adjust due to draconian measures put on us, usually with very little data to back them up, in order to “comply” with “community standards”. Simply put, we are living in a different world in April 2022 than we were in April 2020! I absolutely believe that the God of Israel was not caught by surprise by any of this, and in fact HE IS USING ALL OF THIS TO FURTHER HIS KINGDOM PURPOSES! He is awakening His true bride, re-focusing our attention on what He sees as His priority in order that “… they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me (Yeshua) and loved them as You love Me.” These are exciting and dangerous days but Father has called us to engage with His purposes and be the “Giant Slayers” He has called us to be!
This Shabbat April 9th I will be continuing on the theme of being those Giant Slayers with a message about UNDERSTANDING GOD’S TIMING. David knew it was his time to step up and deal with the Philistine giant. He knew his destiny and now it was the moment to walk into it! Do we know our destiny? Are we confident of what battles we are to engage in or have we been hijacked to take on a battle we were not equipped to fight? Come on up to the Mountain this Shabbat and worship with us and enjoy the fellowship of family together! The presence of Adonai has been powerful, so bring your lunch and hang with us after the service!
The leadership of Or Chaim would like to apologize to everyone for some recent emails that were more widely circulated than they needed to be. We thank you for your forbearance! We will do what we can to prevent it from happening again.Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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We love you all!! Share your love with others!