Kol Nidre Service 10/11/2024

Shalom Mishpacha!
As I write this today, I am in my favorite place overlooking our beautiful Woodmore Lake and the mountain peaks that surround us! We are in the midst of the 10 days of Awe (Yamim Noraim), which is a very special time for our people as we take time to consider our lives through serious introspection, and make things right with those we have wronged and prepare for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Our focus is on The King of Glory, and as we read in Psalm 24:7, “Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, you everlasting doors: that the King of Glory may come in”. In a few days, we will gather together for a solemn assembly for corporate repentance, breaking of all vows, and asking forgiveness for wrong actions and evil words we have spoken over the last year. We will also enter into the Biblically mandated fast as we follow the ordinance  to “humble your souls” Lev. 23:32, and observe a solemn rest to fully experience the wonderful atonement provided through Yeshua, our King of Glory! Here are the special events that Or Chaim has planned for this Appointed time:

- Friday October 11th at 6:30pm; Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre service at The Dwelling Place; 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401; All Are Invited!


- Saturday October 12th at 6pm; Yom Kippur “Break Fast” Fellowship Gathering! Russ and Siri Crider’s home; 22493 E. Maplewood Lane, Aurora 80015; This will be a potluck with the Crider’s providing a meat dish. Please bring a favorite “Biblically clean” main dish or salad/soup, bread, or dessert to share! If you have any questions, please call Russ or Siri at (303)859-1250.

This Appointed time is a very important time for all of us. His feasts are NOT random, and it is important to observe these whether you are Jewish or not. With all that is happening in our nation, and in Israel, these are times for the Kahal (“called out ones”; Church) to gather together, as one, and proclaim that our King is our Life and that We desire to see His Kingdom established “on earth as it is in heaven!”

Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Shuva Oct 5, 2024

Chag Sameach!

As I write this update, it is Yom Teruah (Rosh HaShana), a very special and appointed time of the year! Wednesday night we had a wonderful and joy-filled celebration on the “Mountain”(Gateway on Mt. Zion Church), joining with many others from the community, declaring the Word of the Lord and blowing our shofarot and making a joyful sound to Adonai! Paul and Nathan Wilbur joined us with a powerful and anointed time of worship and Nathan shared a strong word with us about the times we are living in and that the sound of the shofar is us saying “Hineni”(Here am I) to the Lord! Our dance team led the whole congregation in dance and a fun time was had by all! We are now in the period known as The 10 days of Awe, between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur where we are daily asking God to reveal Himself to us, and that we are responding in awe and repentance to who He is, in preparation for the Day of Atonement. As it is also Rosh Hashana, we are wishing everyone, L’Shana Tova (the traditional greeting at this time wishing a good new year), and eating honey cake and a sweet round challah bread, filled with raisins!

This Shabbat will be a very special gathering, as I will continue to share about the Biblical meaning of these high holidays, focusing on Yom Kippur and Succoth. We will be meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401 at 11am. We will be joined for worship by the Bruse family who have always been a blessing to us! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! On Saturday evening (the 5th) at 5:30pm, Paul Wilbur will be performing in concert at Church In The City, 1580 N. Gaylord Denver, 80206, for a WE STAND WITH ISRAEL benefit, as we near the first anniversary of that terrible day of October 7th, 2023, when 1400 Israelis were brutally murdered by evil terrorists, and war has engulfed the region. Even with the events of the last several days, we can see that God is battling for His people, and we are to stand with them in our prayer, finances, and just as importantly, in speaking BOLDLY for Israel and the Jews and against the rise of hatred and anti-semitism in the world! Hope to see you there!





Join Us for Feast of Trumpets

Chag Sameach!
Join us tomorrow eveningOctober 2nd at 6:30pm for our Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) celebration! We will be meeting at Gateway on Mt. Zion Church, 166 S. Lookout Mt. Rd Golden, 80401. Paul and Nathan Wilbur will be our very special guests! Bring your friends and definitely bring your shofar! See you there!
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 9/28/2024

Shabbat Shalom!

We are entering into the last Shabbat of the Hebrew year 5784! Next week we will be celebrating the new year 5785, which for those who love the study of Hebrew words and numerical meaning, it means double grace! I will take it! My favorite time of the year is fall, and I absolutely love the Feasts of The Lord that happen at this time of the year! With all that is happening here in our nation with the upcoming elections, and around the world with conflict in the Middle East and Ukraine and other places, God is calling His Bride to once again, “Come out and Come up”! To come out of the ugliness of a corrupt world system that beats us down and tells us we are are unworthy; and to come up to the place He has created us to live out of — His Holy Presence! These are not empty words to “psych” you up but TRUTH from His Word, “Therefore, if you have been raised up with Messiah, keep seeking the things above — where Messiah is, sitting at the right hand of God.”(Col.3:1). And it says that "… He has seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Messiah Yeshua" (Eph.2:6). So, as we come to this feast season, think of it as an invitation from The Holy One, to gather with Him and enjoy His Presence!

Come on out this Shabbat September 28th as we gather at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401 at 11am! I will be teaching this week and next on these Biblical feasts and why they are so important. WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Since the Feasts are so much about “community”, we will be joining with other congregations and churches this year to celebrate and fellowship with! Here are the upcoming times and dates:





Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 9/21/2024

Shabbat Shalom!

As we enter the Autumn season and look forward to the Fall feasts of The Lord, we are also taking stock of our lives and desiring to bring them into alignment with God’s kingdom priorities. That should always be our focus, but especially at this time of the year! There are so many things happening in our nation and around the world, sometimes it feels like we are on a roller coaster that is out of control. This week we saw another assassination attempt on Donald Trump, “bad guys" in the Middle East being taken out as they answered their pagers and walkie talkies by the thousands, and of course many of us are dealing with family and medical issues. Some may be quietly asking, “God, where are you?”. and the silence is deafening. I choose to find comfort during these dangerous days in His Word, and such Scriptures as Proverbs 19:10, “The Name of Adonai is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and is set safely up high”. Stay strong and in His Word, empowered by the Ruach Ha Kodesh that lives in you!

Join us for Shabbat this week, September 21st, as we meet at The Dwelling Place at 11am! The address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. I will be sharing a very timely word in our series on the Awe of God, entitled, LET’S CLEAN UP OUR ACT!  Don’t worry, it will be very encouraging! We will also be joined by our guest worship leader, Vanessa Remley. There will be a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and stay for fellowship! Here are the dates, times and locations for our upcoming Mo’adim (appointed times for the Fall Feasts):

- Wednesday October 2nd @6:30pm: Yom Teruah (Feasts of Trumpets; Rosh HaShana), with Paul and Nathan Wilbur at Gateway on Mt. Zion Church! 166S.Lookout Mt Rd. Golden 80401. Bring your shofar! ALL ARE INVITED!

- Friday October 11th @6:30pm: Yom Kippur Kol NIdre service (Day of Atonement); The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. ALL ARE INVITED!

- Friday October 18th - Sunday October 20th: Succoth Celebration (Feast of Tabernacles)! Castlewood Canyon Church, 389 Castlewood Canyon Rd. Franktown 80116. Camping is available and ALL ARE INVITED!

So, as you can see, the upcoming season will be quite full, and we want to encourage you to take part in as many of these activities as you can, because it is an extremely significant season we are in. Also, these are special times, appointed by our God and our King to meet with Him as well as one another! Expect amazing things to take place!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Sept 14, 2024

Shalom Mishpacha!

As a leader of a Congregation, every four years I find myself having to navigate through the turbulent waters known as a general election. I have strong beliefs, and of course they are always right! Ha! Seriously, my heart is heavy as I look at social media and see so much hate being spewed, and anger being expressed, as everyone is weighing in on which candidate is more a “threat to our democracy”! It all seems to be intensified this year and of course the media continues to stoke the flames of hate with lies and grave distortions and disinformation that muddy the waters even more. I find myself reading the words in Proverbs a lot this season and there is so much rich wisdom for us in these sayings, for instance, “Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul out of troubles” (21:23), and, “A gentle answer turns away wrath” (15:1). I love discussions and even debates about politics, faith or whatever, but we all just need to make sure that what we are saying to one another is not going to be cause of a break in relationship! I will be sharing, probably in October, HOW we are to vote Biblically, not necessarily WHO we are to vote for. In the mean time, do your due diligence and research the issues and candidates, discus with others but be careful with judgements of each others character!

This Shabbat September 14th we will be meeting at The Dwelling Place at 11am! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. The Lord has given me a message to share as we continue the theme of THE AWE OF GOD entitled, Do I Really Hate Evil?, focusing on how the fear of Adonai, a reverent holy adoration of God, is the 0nly sure defense against doing evil! This will be a very important message, so come on out, or if not possible tune in on our live feed! WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! These times at Oneg are wonderful times to discus the message and catch up with one another. Here are some upcoming events to put in your calendars:

— Wednesday October 2nd; YOM TERUAH (FEAST OF TRUMPETS) AT GATEWAY ON MT. ZION CHURCH! 166 S. LOOKOUT MT. RD. GOLDEN 80401; 6:30pm! Special guests will be Paul and Nathan Wilbur!




We are still working out all the details on these Fall Feasts, so stay tuned! As I have been sharing over the past many weeks, these are very significant times, so please be in prayer and keep your spiritual eyes gazing up to Yeshua and keep your ears in tune to what He is saying! God’s opinions and judgements are what matter during these days!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Sept 7, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

We are in the Hebrew month of Elul. It represents a time of reflection, repentance, and preparation as we approach the High Holidays in a few weeks. The sound of the shofar is heard, and God is reminding us of His upcoming appointments with us! As the Israelites were told in Exodus 19, the Almighty God was going to come and they were to “sanctify” themselves for His upcoming visit as they were to be His “treasure” and covenant people in the world. I have sensed, as many others do also, that these appointed times will be very significant and that we are to have our Spiritual “ear gates” and “eye gates” ready for the things that will be taking place! This Shabbat September 7th as we gather at The Dwelling Place, I will be sharing a message entitled ‘Entitlement’ or Killing the Fear of Man, as we look at specifics on how to crucify that fear of man that is such a snare to so many, and how God has given us everything that we need to live a godly life! OUR ADDRESS is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets) service will take place on Wednesday evening, October 2nd at 6:30pm. We will be meeting at Gateway on Mt. Zion Church 166 S Lookout MTN Rd Golden 80401 and will have as our special guest, Paul and Nathan Wilbur, joining with us! This will be a very special evening of music, traditional readings and a wonderful Shofar service, so make sure to invite your friends and especially those who have never experienced this wonderful holiday! Paul will also be doing a STANDING WITH ISRAEL concert on Friday October 5th at 5:30pmat Church In The City/Beth Abraham in Denver. All are invited and a special offering will be taken for the ministries in Israel who are coming alongside the people and the soldiers as we are now in the 11th month of this war!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart AND Millie Lieberman

Shabbat August 31st, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

Well, it is Labor Day weekend, traditionally the end of summer. I don’t know about you but it went very quickly! A good summer it was, with some wonderful services and some great times of fellowship and enjoying the weather and the Kingdom family! Millie and I were able to get away for a few days this week into the beautiful Colorado mountains, to a place called Crested Butte. Stunning vistas, warm days and cool nights, and even a great hike to work these old bodies into shape! We have come back rested and ready for the upcoming season in front of us. With the Hebrew month of Elul in a few days, it is that time when we really get serious and ask our loving Father to search our hearts as we prepare for the Fall Feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Succoth, the final and glorious ingathering! I can almost hear the sounds of the Shofarot now, sounding the call of assembly and preparing to gather together with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

This Shabbat August 31st we will be meeting at The Dwelling Place as usual at 11am. Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. I will be sharing a message on The Fear of Man, a subject that unfortunately, I have been quite familiar with in the past. I say in the past, because God has brought great healing, but occasionally it tries to raise it’s ugly head to torment me but I now know how to deal with it biblically. It truly is a snare and an inhibitor to really moving into the holy fear of God He calls us to. It is breakthrough time! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Yes, it is a holiday weekend, but come on out and worship with us and invite some friends … and then go on your end of summer camping trip!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 8/24/2024

Shabbat Shalom!

You know, sometimes we can let the cares and the worries of the day, rob us of the joy of allowing ‘Immanuel’ (God in us) be our source of joy everyday! Let me give you a personal example: having been a cancer survivor, I have regular checkups to see how I’m doing and this week was one of those appointments. The night before, I felt ‘harassed’ and could not sleep; the old nagging thoughts of "what if?” came back, and I felt my joy seeping away. I prayed, submitted my heart and mind to Yeshua, sang songs of praise and reminded myself of all the many things He has done in my life! I was reminded of one of my life scriptures in Psalm 62:6-8, "My soul, wait in stillness, only for God — for from Him comes my expectation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my strong tower — I will not be moved. On God, my salvation and my glory is the rock of my strength. MY REFUGE IS IN GOD.” Joy comes out of an EXPECTATION that He is faithful and will do what He says! It is not something that I can produce or conjure up on my own, but real joy comes out of Him being my Rock! I went to the doctor’s appointment and everything was clear and healthy! Thank you, Lord! You can trust Him in everything that you are going through today.

This shabbat August 24th we are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401 at 11am! I will be sharing a timely message entitled Eternal Decisions, as part of our theme of the Awe of God that we have been studying over the last few months. As we have seen, there is a judgement that we all will face at the end of our lives, not WHERE we will spend eternity (hopefully, we have already made that decision!) but HOW we will live in eternity. I heard this quote a long time ago, “In light of eternity, how then should I live? This is what we want to examine this week, knowing that our lives in these bodies is but a vapor, do we have a Kingdom mindset that compels every decision that I make today to take into account my eternal position? It should! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

This Shabbat we welcome Ted Pearce!


Usually summertime brings a “lull” in activity, what with vacations, working in the garden, avoiding the heat or taking care of the kids on their summer break, but this year it seems there is an abundance of activity! It seems like spiritual activity, both from the Kingdom of God as well as the kingdoms of this world have been in “overdrive” to keep us engaged in pressing into Adonai, to know what we are to be doing in”such a time as this”. Again, I keep coming back to what Yeshua says in John 16:33, “ … In the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” So, be encouraged, love God and on a daily basis come before Him and lay all your cares, anxieties, frustrations, needs and desires before Him and TRUST that He will work on your behalf! I love the promise of Romans 8:28, Now we know that ALL THINGS work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” 

This Shabbat August 17th will be a very special service at Or Chaim (even though all are special!)! We will welcome our friend, Messianic recording artist Ted Pearce, to our Congregation for an incredible concert and prayer time for Israel and the Jewish people! Ted’s music has blessed millions around the world and his heart for the Land and her people over the years has brought many into a greater understanding of God’s covenantal relationship with Israel. All are welcome to this wonderful time, so invite some friends and come on out to enjoy Shabbat with us! Our address is: 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401 and we will begin at 11am. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG (LUNCH) FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:https://www.or-chaim.com 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Aug 10, 2024

Shalom Mishpacha!

In the midst of all of the conflict in the world, the divisiveness of the political season, and all of the prayer and fasting taking place, many are feeling overwhelmed or even fatigued at this point in the summer. Let me encourage you, GOD HEARS OUR PRAYER AND HE IS MOVING! For instance, last weekend we joined with many other Messianic congregations and churches in prayer and fasting in regards to the escalation between Israel and Iran as the media and government agencies and even commercial airlines were was saying it was a matter of hours if not minutes before Iran was going to launch missiles! It didn’t happen, yes, it could very well happen in the next days, but I believe our prayers sowed confusion into the enemy camp! Keep it up Saints, you may not SEE the results or answers to your prayers with the naked eye or in a specific time frame, but know that as we pray, in accordance with God’s will, He will always answer!

Come on out to Or Chaim this Shabbat August 10th as we will be meeting at The Dwelling Place at 11am! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401, and I will be sharing a message in our series on THE AWE OF GOD entitled Three Images. You know that there is an image of how others see us, and an image of how we want others to see us, and then there is WHO WE REALLY ARE. As you can imagine, our loving Father wants us to walk in our true identity, no pretense or hypocrisy, and in this way we are accurately reflecting Yeshua to a dark world. WE WILL NOT BE HAVING OUR ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, AS WE WILL BE HAVING HAVDALAH AT 5PM ON SATURDAY EVENING! Here are the instructions for this event, and remember ALL ARE INVITED AND IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN AS WE CLOSE OUT THE SHABBAT!

Our next Havdalah will take place on Saturday, August 10, at 5:00 at the Westendorf Farm. PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE!

The address is 1029 S Bonnie Ln, Watkins, CO 80137.

Mary's number is 720-231-8505

Tom's number is 303-667-4257 - Corrected number

We will be serving chicken and buns, along with water, tea and lemonade. Coffee for those who wish to be up all night!

Please add to the above by bringing: perhaps another protein (a hot dish containing beef), salad, side dish, dessert, fruit tray, or whatever strikes your fancy. We will put it all together and have a wonderful time of fellowship and celebration for the close of the Sabbath. 

Please wear your everyday shoes so you can say hi to the chickens and our new goat, Jake (he likes kisses). Also, bring a light jacket as it may be cool in the evening!

Written directions: Travel east on I-70. Take the Watkins Exit 295 and head to the right (south). After a mile, you will see the left hand turn onto E. 6th Ave. Take that for one mile to the 4-way stop on Imboden Road. Turn right, go one mile to E. Alameda. Turn left there and follow that road 2 miles, where  it curves to the right onto E. Bonnie Lane.  It will be about 3/4 mile further. It's a white ranch with navy trim on the right side of the road. There's parking in front of the house on the circle or anywhere near the big red shop. 

Feel free to bring your flags and any musical instruments you might wish to add to the worship. David and Laura will provide our music for worship and dance. You might want to bring your lawn/camp chairs. 

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

 Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Shalom and Blessings!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat August 3, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

The hypocrisy of the world is again on full display as tensions are rising in the Middle East. Apparently it’s fine to slaughter innocent children playing soccer, but don’t you dare retaliate against the perpetrators of the attack! We certainly do live in an upside down, “sky is green” world! Please continue to pray for Israel as it looks like things may be going to a whole new level. The leadership of Or Chaim are joining with Tikkun and other Messianic Jewish organizations in calling for a 2 day prayer/fast this Saturdayand Sunday, specifically for the situation in Israel. We would ask that you ask the Lord if you are to join with us in this event. WE WILL NOT BE HAVING OUR REGULAR ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE THIS SHABBAT! We will have a special time of prayer after the service. This Sunday is also our regular day of praying for Colorado on The Wall, from 6pm Sunday till 6pm Monday. Remember, prayer is our partnering with a covenant-keeping, almighty, loving and gracious God, to see His kingdom purposes fulfilled here on planet earth! It is a privilege and a responsibility to pray. Authority has been given to us as it says in Mt.16:19, “Whatever you forbid on earth will have been forbidden in heaven and what you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.” So, let's exercise our authority and believe for great things!

This Shabbat August 3rd we will be meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401 at 11am. I will be continuing in the theme of the Awe of God with a message entitled Three Images! As we have been sharing, God hates hypocrisy and we of all people need to be carrying His image to a dark and lost world! But, what is the image we have been portraying? Only the Holy Fear of God in us will impact the world around us and keep us from falling into the hypocrisy and corruption all around us. Come on out this Shabbat and let us celebrate this special day together!

Next week on August 10th we also will not have an Oneg, as we will be coming together to celebrate Havdalah at the Farm! Yes, it has been a while! We will all meet at Tom and Mary’s farm, 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, Watkins 80137 at 5:30pm. We will have our regular Shabbat service in the morning, and then give you the afternoon off for some rest and then come together to close out the Shabbat!. We will let you know what to bring as this will be a potluck event. On Shabbat August 17th, we will welcome Messianic recording artist Ted Pearce to Or Chaim! You will not want to miss this and it will be a great opportunity to invite friends for this time of worship and praise.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat July 27th


This is a very significant and dangerous time on the Hebrew calendar. It is the time between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av known as “Bein haMetzarim” or “between the straits”. Historically, not a good time for Israel, but a time of mourning that commemorates the destruction of the 1st and 2nd temples in Jerusalem, many catastrophic and evil events in Her history, and even the rebellion of the ten spies and the Israelites refusing to go into the Promised Land. Lamentations 1:3 says, “Judah is gone into exile under affliction and great servitude. She dwells among the nations. She finds no resting peace. All her pursuers have overtaken her in the MIDST OF HER DISTRESS.” As defined today: "being in a very dangerous situation and one in which it may be hard to discern the safe way through.” We have all been in those places before, and today, the nation of Israel finds herself there. Yesterday, I watched the Prime Minister of Israel deliver an incredibly passionate and factual speech before our US Congress, while protesters were outside chanting "death to Israel” while carrying terrorist flags and burning our own flag! These are “dire straits” for Israel as well as our own nation! Time to “ramp up” our intercession, but also to focus on our Righteous Judge and the King of Kings, who WILL have the final word! Also, I want to remind all of us of the consoling words of Yeshua, “These things I have spoken to you, so that IN ME you may have SHALOM. In the world you will have trouble, but TAKE HEART! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!”

This Shabbat July 27th we will as usual be meeting at The Dwelling Place at 11am! Come on out and join us for inspiring teaching from Torah and the Tanach, live worship with Vanessa Remley and wonderful fellowship! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401. The Lord has put a message on my heart for this week entitled Contagious hypocrisy! We are continuing to look at THE AWE OF GOD and exploring how we grow in our walk of Holy Fear. Yes, God does look beyond our actions and our words, but deep into our hearts to our thoughts and motives. So come on out and celebrate this special day together, AND WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE! We will be back to having our live feed this Shabbat after being “off-line” the last few weeks! However, we would love to see your faces!




Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

 Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

A Reminder this Shabbat…

Shabbat Shalom!

Just a reminder that we will be meeting at 11am this Shabbat, July 20th, at The Dwelling Place! It is going to be a wonderful gathering, as we will have a special screening of WHY STAND WITH ISRAEL (see below). Invite your friends and neighbors, and bring some food for our fellowship time following the service! Our address is: 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401. Look forward to seeing you there!


Shabbat July 20th


First of all, I want to thank all of you who were able to attend the STAND conference this past weekend! For those of you who volunteered, you were such a blessing! Or Chaim Congregation has always and will continue to support Israel and the Jewish people, and be a bridge to the Church so that they will have greater understanding of the covenantal relationship between God and His Chosen People. Many people came to me over the weekend expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to hear the clear and concise Biblical mandate of why Christians cannot be neutral or uninvolved when it comes to Israel, especially with the rise of demonic anti-semitism. This Shabbat, July 20th, we will be meeting back at The Dwelling Place at our normal time of 11am. HOWEVER THIS WILL NOT BE A NORMAL SERVICE! WE WILL BE HAVING A SPECIAL SCREENING OF “WHY STAND WITH ISRAEL”!  We had previously scheduled this in March but had to cancel due to snow. Brian Sanders, the producer of this film will be with us this Shabbat. I have had the opportunity to see this film and it is extremely accurate and beautifully done! It provides an historical and comprehensive history of God’s covenants with Israel, as well as why we need to stand with her today! You are encouraged to bring friends, and this screening will be free . We will take a love offering for Brian, as it is important, especially in these days, to get this message out to everyone! Please check it out! Our address is 16800 W. 9th Ave. Golden, 80401.


Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

 Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat July 6, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

Millie and I hope you all enjoyed the 4th of July celebrations wherever you were! I love this holiday because I love this nation, with all it’s faults, it is still a nation with a divine heritage, and the USA has been a blessing throughout the entire world! We participated in the annual parade here in Monument, joining with Fuel Church, and marched with the float greeting folks (over 20,000 attended!) and passing out water, tracts and goodies! Many of you are enjoying a long weekend but we encourage you to come out to Or Chaim this Shabbat, July 6th and worship with us! We are continuing with our theme of The Awe of God, with a message about how we work out our salvation in Fear and Trembling! You might be asking what this has to do with the love and kindness God, well, come on out and hear how we can please our wonderful Father! We are continuing to meet at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401 at 11am. WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR SOME WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP!

Just a reminder, next week is the STAND WITH ISRAEL conference at The Rock Church in Castle Rock, July 12-13. WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR REGULAR SHABBAT SERVICE AT THE DWELLING PLACE, BUT WILL MEET ON THAT MORNING AT THE CHURCH! If you have not registered, please register this week, the fee is only $20! I will send out more information in the next few days on times of our Shabbat morning service and any other details you will need to know. The guest speakers for this event will be Joel Richardson and Don Finto. The address for The Rock is 4881 Cherokee Dr. Castle Rock, 80109. This will be a very important event and we believe it will be a turning point in the Body of Messiah here in Colorado! All are invited, so get the word out.

On Shabbat July 20th we will be having a special screening of the film WHY STAND WITH ISRAEL? This is the full-length film by our friend Brian Sanders that we had to cancel earlier in the year due to snow! You will not want to miss this screening, and again, invite your friends and neighbors to this event at The Dwelling Place!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

 Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat June 29, 2024

Shalom Mishpacha!

Millie and I returned from our annual Tikkun conference in Maryland and we are so looking forward to being back with you all! It was a wonderful time with encouraging messages on leadership and sweet fellowship with dear friends! This Shabbat, June 29th I will be sharing an important message out of Yeshua’s “Upper Room” discourse and I will be looking at A PRAYER THAT WILL BE FULFILLED! If I am asked to pray for someone, my faith may be high or maybe not so high, but I will always pray, because I believe God always answers prayer. When our Messiah prays, I am absolutely positive that His prayer will always have a Kingdom outcome, and it is something that we can count on! So, come on out and worship with us and stay for fellowship after the service. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Marcus Meier, Worship Pastor at The Rock Church will lead us in glorious worship! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401.

Saturday at 3pm a special praise and worship event entitled KINGDOM TO THE CAPITOL with Sean Feucht will be held on the west steps of the State Capitol and all are welcome to this event! God is moving throughout our nation, and here in Colorado, so you will not want to miss this event! Next week our nation celebrates it’s 248th Birthday on July 4th, and more than ever we need to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 that we will humble ourselves, pray and seek His Face that this wonderful nation will bee healed and turned back to Him!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

 Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat June 22, 2023

Shabbat Shalom!
Happy summer to everyone! Millie and I are at the Tikkun conference in Maryland, along with the Aronstein’s. However, Or Chaim Congregation has an incredible service planned this weekend! We will welcome dear friends of ours, Larry and Bess Herzekow, who will bring forth the message this week! They have lived in the Land, and are planning on moving back to Israel in just a few days! We want to encourage you to come out and worship with the Congregation! You will be blessed and the message will be uplifting and inspiring! THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE SO PLEASE, BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Sent from my iPhone

Shabbat June 15th, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

This week we have been celebrating the Biblical feast of Shavuot (Weeks), with most of us recognizing a date earlier this week, and others celebrating this Sunday. Is one observation wrong? Not necessarily, it is all about how we choose to count the Omer “from the morrow after the Shabbat” (Lev.23:15), but the main point being that Shavuot is one of the most important Biblical feasts of the year, no matter what day you celebrate! It is a time of ‘Aliyah’, where all Jewish men were to make their way to the Temple of God in Jerusalem and bring their offerings from the harvest of wheat. It is one of the Shelosh Regalim, the “big 3” feasts of the Biblical calendar! It still is today a time when we bring a special offering before the Lord, and also a special time of Thanksgiving for all of the provision that He brings us! It is also the day that God imparted His Ruach HaKodesh on the Believers in Jerusalem, and the Kingdom of God was catapulted literally around the world!

Join us this Shabbat June 15th at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden at 11am! We will have a wonderful time of worship and hearing the Word about the significance of Shavuot! Our dear friend Lynne McDowell will be leading our worship so come on out and celebrate with us! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Some have asked, is there a special dish that we eat at Shavuot? I’m glad you asked! Traditionally, the Jewish people eat dairy products (although meat is certainly not forbidden!), so, cheese blintzes, noodle google, cheese-filled “kreplach" and of course cheesecake! Also, anything with honey (a land flowing with milk and honey!) and wheat. So, invite you friends and neighbors and come on out this Shabbat and let’s celebrate together!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

 Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Chag Sameach!

Stewart and Millie