Shabbat March 6, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!

Well, the year is “Marching” on! Millie and I sense that as we turn the corner into Spring, “…the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Songs 2:11-12), many of us will experience a freshness in our lives once again! It’s not just the warmer and longer days (in fact it’s snowing outside right now!), it is that we are coming into the Passover season where we remember the Lord’d mighty hand of deliverance from slavery and His covenant of love to us. God Himself says the month of Passover is to “mark the beginning of months”, so I will take Him at His word that never changes that we can expect new and good things to happen in our lives. It is not automatic where we just go into “cruise control” and let things happen but a time to seize God’s promises for us by living the life that pleases Him and believing with everything we have in us that HE WILL DO EVERYTHING HE SAYS HE WILL DO!

This Shabbat March 6th, I, Stew, will share the second part of a message entitled DO WE REALLY KNOW THAT THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD of THE LAMB OF GOD? Sometimes we use terms and spout concepts and theology without looking at what the Word of God really says. When we study His Name, His Word and His Blood do we really understand the authority that is contained in these? If we did, I propose that the world we live in today would look much different than it does! We will also be celebrating the Table of Messiah (Communion) this Shabbat and will be enjoying wonderful worship and praise to our King! On Sunday March 7th the men will be gathering at Lee Cooperman’s home for our monthly Men’s group at 10am. His address is: 12184 Triple Crown Dr. Parker, 80134. All men are welcome to this special time!

As we prepare for Passover this year, we will be meeting in more intimate settings in homes on Saturday evening March 27th. So far we have three locations for Seders in different parts of the metro area.

* Russ and Siri Crider and the Preussner’s will be hosting one at the Criders’ home in the South/ Southeast part of he city

* David and Laura Aronstein will host a Seder in the Southwest part of the metro area

* Patricia DeLeon will be hosting a Seder with our assistance at her house in the Northeast section (Reunion) of the metro area.

We want EVERYONE to participate in a Passover Seder! Please contact one of us directly and we will make sure you are provided with all the details and directions. This will be a great time for the whole family as we tell the story of the Passover and enjoy a wonderful meal together and celebrate Israel’s (and ours!) deliverance!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Purim Shabbat 2/27/2021


Shalom Mishpacha!

This is a very important week not just historically, but also as we press into breakthrough for our nation as well as for the Jewish people. Thursday evening February 25th marks the beginning of Purim, the story in the Book of Esther that tells of the deliverance of the Jewish people from the evil Haman and from certain extermination! Such a powerful and beautiful drama depicting His covenant love for His people and the acts of a beautiful queen, her bold and faith-filled relative who made a stand for justice and righteousness in the face of certain destruction! We are also reminded that in these days we can cry out to The King of the whole earth to see His hand move in our day! We are in a 3 day fast where we are praying for breakthrough in our families and in our nation, and also that the eyes of the Jewish people would be open to their Jewish Messiah. I believe that Father wants to rise up as prayer warriors and seize the initiative in seeing His purposes advanced in our families, nation and among our people! We will be gathering at Patricia’s home; 10578 Ouray St. Commerce City, 80022 at 6:30pm. Please RSVP to Patricia at (720)431-2387, and since it is Purim it’s OK to dress up as your favorite Bible hero or villain!

This Shabbat February 27th we will have a wonderful service with a “patriotic” theme, so wear your ‘cammo’ or patriotic gear and be ready to do battle in the heavenly places! Our Messianic dance team do a special dance to lead us into battle. The Lord has given me a message on DO WE REALLY KNOW THAT THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD? This will be a very important message on how to stand and advance in these evil days, and also how to really understand our relationship to the power of sin!

UPCOMING EVENTS: Men’s group, Sunday March 7th at 10am at Lee Cooperman’s home; 12184 Triple Crown Dr. Parker, 80134.

Passover 2021 will be in homes this year! If you are interested in hosting, leading or participating in a Seder, please contact leadership was soon as possible!

Shalom and Blessings,

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 2/20/2021

Shabbat Shalom!

We had about six inches of snow last night, which has turned into a beautiful landscape on the mountain today with the sun shining! So much of the nation has been caught in a deep freeze, even in places that don’t normally have severe weather, but it’s winter not “climate change”, so keep them in prayer! We are coming up on the Biblical feast of Purim beginning on Thursday evening February 25th. To celebrate this special time, we will have a Purim party at the home of Patricia DeLeon on Thursday at 6:30pm. Her address is: 10578 Our St., Commerce City 80022. Because this is a special time as we recite the Megillah (Book of Esther), we want to encourage you to dress up as your favorite (or not so favorite!) Bible character. It is a wonderful celebration as we remember how God delivered His people from certain extermination at the hands of Haman and the Persians. It is also a call to us for fasting and prayer for the Jewish people beforehand, especially as we see the rise of anti-semitism, here and abroad. Bring a favorite snack or food dish as a meat tray will be provided as well as ‘Hamantashen”! Please RSVP by text to Patricia at (720)431-2387.

This Shabbat February 20th, I will bring a timely message on the SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH!The days of this incredible prophet were not so different as the days we are living in today. Israel had turned to idolatry and the evil King Ahab and his wife Jezebel were introducing every kind of abominable practice, including killing babies at the altar of Baal! A man, full of the Ruach HaKodesh spoke truth to power and a nation was turned back to God. I will be sharing about Spiritual “Fathers” and how this is a time to heed the Word, and also the words spoken from men of God who are no longer with us, warning of the days we are living in today. This is not a day to shrink back in fear and helplessness but a time to boldly declare the Word in the power and spirit of Elijah! We will be entering into a fast starting on Monday for those who able, and I would like to share some points to intercede about:

* As Purim nears, pray that the Jewish people will turn to the Messiah for their salvation!

* For breakthrough and deliverance for our families and that restoration would occur!

* To continue to pray that this nation would turn from evil and back to God and His Word!

Be encouraged in this time of cleansing, because Father’s desire is to impart His glory in our midst and that true revival would come to our land!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat February 13,2021: Special Guest Joel Richardson

Shalom Mishpacha!

Or Chaim Congregation will be welcoming Joel Richardson this Shabbat, February 13th at 10:30am! All are welcome to this special service to hear JOEL RICHARDSON as he presents us with a message for NOW!

Joel Richardson is a New York Times bestselling author, film-maker, and teacher. Joel lives in the United States with his wife and five children. With a special love for all the peoples of the Middle East, Joel travels globally, preparing the Church for the great challenges of our time, teaching on the gospel, living with biblical hope, the return of Jesus. He is the author, editor, director, or producer of several books and documentaries, and is the host of the popular online Christian program, the Underground. Joel’s website:

Some of Joel’s books, films, and partnerships include:

Mount Sinai in Arabia: The True Location Revealed

The Mystery of Catastrophe: Understanding God’s Redemptive Purposes for the Global Catastrophes of the Last Days

Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast

Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist

When a Jew Rules the World: What the Bible Really Says About Israel in the Plan of God

Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible’s Greatest Prophetic Mystery

God’s War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy & the Bible

Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out (editor)

End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam, and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah’s Return

The Global Jesus Revolution: Israel, Islam and the Gospel at the End of the Age

Sheep Among Wolves: Chronicles of the Persecuted Church Volumes I and II

Covenant and Controversy: The Great Rage

Covenant and Controversy: The City of the Great King

Covenant and Controversy: The Great Trouble All are welcome and this would be a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors! A love offering will be taken for Joel’s ministry.

Shalom and Blessings,

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat Feb 6, 2021

Shalom Mishpacha,
Recently I heard a local pastor and a respected prophet (please don’t stone me, yes I believe there are prophets) say “we need a healthy fear of the Lord to overcome an unhealthy fear that we see in the world”. As we forge ahead into the uncharted waters of this exciting and challenging year, our eyes are firmly fixed on what our Heavenly Father desires and what He planned for us at the foundation of the world. A healthy reverence and fear of God that desires intimacy and friendship with us and yet is also a Sovereign King who judges the whole earth and calls us to holiness, is required of us in these days! He is not a “buddy” that will condone our every whim and sin, and wink at our silliness and shallowness as we continue to misunderstand what Grace really is. He is too in love with us and cares about us too much to allow us to go as it was before, He is calling us back to Him, to resemble Yeshua more than we did yesterday, and rid ourselves of anything that hinders our walk of holiness!

Exciting things are happening at Or Chaim in the next weeks! This Shabbat, February 6th we will have a OC family time as we discuss some important and practical things as we move forward into the new year. We will have a time of worship, and I sense that Father will speak to and through us in wonderful ways! Also, we will celebrate Yeshua’s Table (Communion) as we want to consecrate ourselves to the Lord for the days ahead. Saturday evening we will have a special Havdalah at the Westendorf’s farm as we celebrate Tom and Mary’s 50th anniversary! This will be a fun time as we bless Tom and Mary and close out the Shabbat. It will be a Mexican potluck so it is important to RSVP to them as soon as possible! This Sunday, February 7th, the men will gather at Lee Cooperman’s house at 10am for our monthly men’s group where we encourage one another and help each other become more like Yeshua!

Next Shabbat, February 13th during our morning service we will welcome Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author and a recognized expert on Biblical prophesy and the Middle East, to Or Chaim! We had scheduled him December but had to cancel so come on out and invite others to hear this dynamic teacher. With all that is happening in these days, we need to see how things are lining up in that part of the world so we can pray with understanding and effectiveness. We will take a love offering for Joel and all are welcome.

Friends we need not be in fear or walk around with our heads bowed down in fear, YESHUA IS FAITHFUL AND GOD WILL DO WHAT HE SAID HE IS GOING TO DO!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat Jan 30, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!
Well, one month is written in the records of heaven and the journey of our lives and 11 more to go in 2021! We are ‘moving forward’ into this year knowing that the things that Father has for us are all good and that He has promised a great harvest if we remain faithful and confident in His purposes! Last week the men of Or Chaim had a wonderful ‘Advance’ in the Black Forrest with the theme of “HEARTS AWAKENED”, and we were all encouraged to be generational curse breakers in our families and ministry. Ladies this Sunday the Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will be having their 2021 kickoff meeting from 1-4 pm at the Dwelling Place in Golden. See the attached brochure. Afterwards you can browse the Judaica Bible Bookstore. Karuna will lead worship and a inspiring message will encourage you.

This Shabbat, January 30th we will continue to explore how we move forward in boldness and hope, by truly leaving the things of the past behind in the dust! I will bring a message about the need for REPENTANCE, RECONCILIATION, and RESTORATION as we learn how to maneuver and to be victorious in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to us as kingdom believers. The presence of GOD is powerful in our services on the mountain, so come on out and join us!

Mark your calendars for Saturday February 6th at 5:30pm as we gather at the Westendorf’s farm for a special Havdalah. It is their 50th wedding anniversary and they have invited all of us to party with them! It will be a Mexican food pot-luck, so please RSVP to Tom and Mary and let them know that you are coming! All are welcome as we close out the Shabbat!

Many other things are happening at Or Chaim Congregation, so get involved and let’s see His Kingdom advance in our region, in Israel and in the nations!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,
Stewart and Millie

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Shabbat January 23, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!
I woke up this morning with this scripture on my heart: “So pay close attention to how you walk — not as unwise people but as wise. Make the most of your time because the days are evil. For this reason do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is”. Rav Shaul penned these words (Eph. 5:15-17) during a time not so different than today. Oppressive emperors were persecuting the believers horribly, with Shaul himself writing this letter from a prison cell! This is a time to re-focus and set our eyes on what is happening in heaven and proclaim it to come to pass in the earth! The wisdom of heaven, understanding Father’s will, and redeeming the time are keys to walking in these tumultuous day.

This Shabbat, January 23rd, will be a special service as our ladies of Or Chaim will join Elder Russ in the many aspects of the service! Many of our men including me will be at the Men’s Advance in the Black Forrest, but the sounds of worship and praise will be heard from the mountain, and it will be an awesome time! Mary Westendorf will bring the message that God has put on her heart. I have a feeling that the very presence of God will invade Lookout Mountain so come on out and be part of this special time.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

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Shabbat 1/16/2021 Happy 5th Or Chaim!

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha and Happy 5th Birthday to our Congregation! Five is the number for GRACE!
As Millie and I wrap up our vacation in Florida and prepare to return to Colorado, we just want to take some time to greet you and exhort you IN THE LORD! Just since we have been gone, we have seen a nation being ripped apart even more (if that was even possible!) and many “narratives” floating around that have brought lack of peace, more fear, and certainly more division. I read a scripture from Romans 12 this morning that very much encouraged me during these troubling times; “Do not be lagging in zeal; be fervent in spirit. KEEP SERVING THE LORD, REJOICING IN HOPE, ENDURING IN DISTRESS, PERSISTING IN PRAYER ... BLESSING THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU — BLESS AND DO NOT CURSE.” I have been sharing about “Moving (forging) Forward” in this new year, and this exhortation from Rav Shaul is a key for us to do just that!

Millie and I look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat, January 16th. We are refreshed (sort of) and looking forward to this new season pressing into God’s covenant purposes for all of us. As a community, we hope to inspire and see Kingdom growth in our personal lives. We also believe that this will be a year of harvest, of souls coming into the kingdom and also of many visions and promises coming to fruition!

Men, it’s not too late to sign up for our Men’s Advance on January 22-23 (Friday and Saturday)! The cost is $130 and it will be held at the beautiful Hideaway Retreat Center in the Black Hills north of Colorado Springs. It will be a time of refreshing and restoration, so come on out and join us!

Finally, as your Senior Congregational Leaders we want to encourage you to seek His Face and His Presence and His Shalom AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES! We have no guarantees that things will get easier, in fact, no one does but our God is more than able to walk us through anything we might encounter!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

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Shabbat 12/26/2020

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
We also want to wish all of you a Joyous Season Greetings, Bright and Shining Holidays and yes Blessed CHRISTmas (for those who celebrate Yeshua’s birth on December 25th)! Millie and I pray that no matter what has happened during this past year, that the Savior that was born in a grotto in Bethlehem two thousand years ago continues to bless, heal, restore, save and bring hope and illumination to us today! With our recent celebration of Hanukkah, this season is about restored hope, re-dedication and faith in a Mighty God that loves and cares for us and…has good plans a hope and a future for us!

We will be having having Shabbat services this Shabbat December 26th. Father has given me a message on getting our motivation back in 2021. Let’s all come together for the last Shabbat of 2020 and enjoy fellowship with one another!

I want to encourage all the men of Or Chaim about two important events coming up. On Sunday, January 3rd at 10am we will be gathering at Lee Cooperman’s home for fellowship and encouragement. All men are invited to these special and anointed times as we grow as sons, fathers, husbands and brothers! Also, on Friday night and Saturday, January 22-23, we have been invited to join with Castlewood Canyon Church for a Men’s Advance! The theme for this special event is “HEART’S AWAKENED!” We will invite the Shabbat together, enjoy anointed teaching and worship, and have great fellowship and build deeper relationship with one another. The cost for this event is only $130 which includes great accommodation and food at the beautiful Hideaway Retreat Center in the Black Forest. All are invited, and bring your sons as well!

You are all very special to Millie and I and we continue to pray for His grace upon you and your families as we close our this momentous year and prepare for 2021!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

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Shabbat 12/19/2020

Shabbat Shalom!
I’m writing from Southern California as we deal with the death of my sister, June-Ellen Miller. Her battle with cancer ended last Saturday evening and I flew out on Sunday. As you can imagine, it is a bit of a stressful time, as my nephew (her son), myself and my brother are taking care of details such as her belongings, documents and a zoom Shiva/memorial service that was held on Wednesday evening. Millie and I so appreciate all your prayers and kind words during this time, when all of us are dealing with this years’s crazy events!

This has been a momentous Hanukkah season for sure! Or Chaim hosted several evenings of candle-lighting and fellowship in homes this year. A special thanks to Patricia, Lee, the Aronstein’s and the Westendorf’s for opening your homes to the Congregation! Even though it has been a difficult time for so many folks, our Faithful God made sure that the season on re-dedication and lights was still on the calendar! What a great opportunity to REMEMBER His faithfulness in the past and draw on the incredible nature and character of God for our present circumstances!

I will be back for this Shabbat, and Father has given a timely message for us. As we are down to the last few weeks of 2020 (and some would say ‘good riddance’!), Millie and I and the rest of the leadership team want to thank you all for your faithfulness in giving and caring during this most unusual time. With lock downs, layoffs, quarantines, sickness, cancellations and everything else we have endured, I have been encouraged by the exhortation in Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that has breath praise Adonai, Halleluyah!” Something happens when we do this, our whole perspective on life changes! Thank you all for your faithfulness!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

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Happy Hanukkah Shabbat 12/12/2020

Chag Hanukkah Sameach!

The Festival of Dedication (Hanukkah) began Thursday, December 10th at sundown! As a kid growing up it was our “Jewish Christmas”, where we got gifts for 8 days instead of just Christmas morning. We played with dreidels and ate latkes and Dad would put blue lights on our porch to show the neighbors that we were Jewish. That was my extent of knowing what this holiday was all about! As we have been in the Messianic movement for all these years, and I have looked at the Biblical significance of this season, I am amazed at how important it is, not just as we remember our Jewish people rising up to defeat anti-semitic forces striving to change our ways and God’s Torah, but also as a prophetic event in which Yeshua revealed Himself as the promised Messiah! It is a time of re-dedicating our “temples” from the defilement of a fallen world and proclaiming through our lives that the Light of the world lives in us! We will be having several evenings of home fellowship, lighting the Hanukkiah, and re-telling the story of a small band of patriots who had a passion to restore true worship in the Temple!

This Shabbat December 12th at 10:30am we had planned to welcome internationally known speaker and author Joel Richardson to Or Chaim. HOWEVER JOEL HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR SHABBAT FEBRUARY 13, 2021. Joel travels globally, preparing the Church for the great challenges of our time, teaching the gospel, living with Biblical hope, and the return of Yeshua. He is also the host of the popular online Christian program, The Underground. All are invited to this special and important service and we will take up an offering for Joel and his ministry. Instead I have prepared a inspiring Hanukkah message for this hour, this day, this year of 2020!

For our Hanukkah gathering and locations, go to for specific information. Here are the scheduled fellowships:

Saturday, December 12 at 6:30pm: Havdalah at Patricia DeLeon’s

Sunday, December 13th at 6:30pm: Movie Night at Lee Cooperman’s

Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30pm: Candles, Dancing, and Anything Else! David and Laura Aronstein’s

Thursday, December 17th at 6:30pm: Last night of Hanukkah at the Farm! Tom and Mary Westendorf’s

These will be fun times of fellowship for the whole family! I don’t know about you, but we can all use a little more fun in these crazy times!

Shalom and Chag Sameach!

Stewart and Millie


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Shalom and Blessings!

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat Dec 5, 2020 Together Again!!

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
Wow, it seems like forever that we have gotten together! I am so looking forward to this Shabbat, and yes, we will be meeting at 10:30am this Shabbat, December 5th! We hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving, in spite of restrictions and some battling with Covid and other illnesses. Millie and I were able to visit with our family in Southern California, and although it was difficult at times, we believe it was so important to be there. My sister was not able to leave the hospital but we were able to visit with her. Continue to pray for her salvation and healing, she needs a miracle! Many in our community are struggling physically and also financially, please continue to pray for healing, provision and joy in our midst as a certain, let me just call it “2020 fatigue”, has set in and we need to experience victory and the overcoming grace and joy of Yeshua!

This Shabbat Abba Father has given me a message about righteous judgement from a New Testament perspective. The subject of judgement is very misunderstood so I feel it is important to look at it from what the Scriptures say about the subject instead of what people’s opinions are. This Sunday, December 6th at 10am, the men will be having their monthly fellowship time at Lee Cooperman’s home in Parker. His address is: 12184 Triple Crown Dr., Parker 80134. All men are welcome to this special time, as we share with one another and encourage each other!

Next Shabbat, December 12th, we are excited to welcome New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson to Or Chaim! Joel has a special love for all the peoples of the Middle East and travels globally preparing the Church for the great challenges of our time. He is an author, editor, director and producer of several books and documentaries and host of the online Christian program, The Underground. All are welcome to this special service and we will take a love offering for Joel. This is his first visit to our Congregation so we are excited about this! Invite others!!

Also, Hanukkah begins on Thursday evening December 10th! Stay tuned as we will be having candle-lighting evenings at people’s home for several of these special nights. We still have four nights open if you are interested in hosting please call Julie as she is organizing the event. The Feast of Dedication is a wonderful time of the year as we have an opportunity to re-dedicate our “temples” for His holy purposes, and also to eat greasy foods such as latkes and sufganiot (jelly- filled donuts)! As you can see, there is much happening in the midst of crazy and unprecedented times. Millie and I just want to encourage all of you to be safe, healthy and to remain thankful for all the blessings we have from God! Millie had a Basel cell carcinoma removed from her nose about the size of a nickel so please keep her in your prayers fir a speedy recovery and thank you all for your precious love over this last year. We are so thankful for you!!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shalom Mishpacha,

The leadership wants to communicate with you some very important information that will be in effect for the next two Shabbat. We have been in consultation with the Pastors of Gateway On Mt. Zion Church, and out of an abundance of caution have decided to forego our weekly Shabbat services for November 21st and November 28th. Several of their folks have fallen ill with flu and respiratory issues, and a few have tested positive for Covid 19. They also will not be holding their Sunday services as well as their revival services  until December 2nd.Praise God, as far as I know none of our congregants have been tested positive!

God’s grace has been on us and powerful in our midst since this pandemic began at the end of March! We wholly concur with the leadership of Gateway. With colds and flu affecting many and with Thanksgiving coming next week, we feel it is prudent  for these things to run their course, and then things will be re-evaluated in a couple of weeks. THE CURRENT PLAN IS TO RESUME OUR IN-PERSON SHABBAT SERVICES ON DECEMBER 5TH! THANK YOU FOR YOUR STEADFAST COMMITMENT TO PRAY FOR EACH OTHER OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS. ALSO, AS MILLIE AND I PLAN ON VISITING MY SISTER FOR THANKSGIVING, PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS GRACE AND PROTECTION OVER US AND MY SISTER WHO IS IN CANCER TREATMENT.


Millie and I as well as the whole leadership of Or Chaim pray that each of you will have a beautiful and healthy Thanksgiving with your families! In spite of what the media puts out and the lies being spouted by anti-Messiah agendas in the world, we have much to be thankful for! That is what this season is all about.

Shalom and Blessings!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 11/14/2020

Shabbat Shalom! Don’t miss Joshua Aaron this Tuesday Nov 17th 7-9 pm Get there early!

There is a common greeting that you hear when you are in Israel," Ma’Nishma”, which is a slang version of “How is your peace?” That is a question that I want to ask you in the midst of this uncertain, tumultuous and chaotic time we are in. Is my well-being based on a certain political outcome or my financial security or how happy I feel, or is it something deeper like my trust I have in the King of all the earth knows what He is doing? Several years ago I received a devastating diagnosis from a doctor, I was shocked and in some ways I felt like I was kicked in the gut and couldn’t catch my breath. But eventually I was able to breathe again and I was able to get God’s perspective of the diagnosis, and was able to think clearly and look at things through eyes of hope and faith. I don’t know how this season will turn out, but I put my trust in the One who is the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, and the One who holds all things together by His Word and His Ruach (Spirit)! Keep your eyes fixed on Him and your mind steadfast on Him and the outcome…peace or Shalom!

This Shabbat, November 14th at 10:30am we will be meeting on the “mountain” to worship and serve The Lord! We will put aside the cares of the week and enter into His Presence with everything we’ve got! Father has given me a message that I will just call A PARADIGM FOR A NEW SEASON. We want to explore how to develop that secret place of intimacy, where We are more concerned about pleasing God than pleasing others. This season we are in will require greater faith than the previous season and it is so important that we yield to His deep work of cleansing in us. Hope you will be able to join us!

On Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm we will welcome Messianic recording artist Joshua Aaron to the mountain! This will be a free concert (a love offering will be taken) so all are welcome as long as you are registered. You can go on his website: JOSHUAAARON.TV EVENTS and complete the information for each attendee. SPACE IS LIMITED AND WE ARE FILLING UP FAST! Because of Covid we are limiting the amount of people we can allow. If you have not heard Joshua before, he is an incredible musician and a man with a heart of passion for God and for his own people. He lives in the Galilee region of Israel and we are blessed to have him with us! There are many other happenings at Or Chaim, including Hebrew language study every Shabbat morning at 9am


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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!,

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat Nov 7, 2020

Shabbat Shalom!

Be encouraged my friends! The sun rose this morning and it will tomorrow. Many of us have been on a “roller-coaster” of emotions over the last several days and some may be disappointed as it “appears” things didn’t go the way you thought it would. Remember, recently I shared that we are not to judge events by outward circumstances or conventional wisdom but only what the Ruach (Spirit) reveals. We ALWAYS put our absolute trust in our King and our God, and we weigh circumstances by what His Word and Spirit is doing and what He has promised. Continue to pray for our nation as we are in a very precarious and dangerous time!

This Shabbat, November 7th, I will be sharing a very important message, "ALIGNMENT BRINGS GLORY - ARE WE READY?” We have been looking at how the Tribes of Israel were “aligned” in the wilderness around the Ark of His Presence for specific reasons and how God gave times and seasons to bring about His purposes. I don’t know about you, but I want to experience more of His Glory! We need that Glory, but … are there some things in our lives that prevent His outpouring? I have never this strongly before that the season we have been in is all about Father calling His Bride, that’s you and me, to a greater consecration then ever before! You don’t want to miss this message.


Family, this is not a time to retreat or become discouraged. The battles are raging but remember the war has been won. Millie and I know that many of you have been going through incredibly difficult situations in your families, businesses and personal lives and that you may find it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but trust me and the Word that is eternal from Isaiah 61, “Arise, shine, for your light has come! The glory of Adonai has risen on you. For behold, darkness covers the earth, and deep darkness the peoples. BUT ADONAI WILL WILL RISE UPON YOU, AND HIS GLORY WILL APPEAR OVER YOU!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 10/31/2020

Shabbat Shalom!

First of all, Millie and I want to thank all of you for the Anniversary blessings! We were able to get away for a few days up in the mountains, enjoying the snow and the extraordinary beauty of Colorado and of course, each other. The ladies had an incredible retreat last week and Abba visited them in a very intimate way, much freedom and breakthrough testimonies, thank you Father! Well, some good news, the elections will be over in a few days and Yeshua is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings! We want to encourage you to get out and vote if you haven’t already. ALSO, IF YOU HAVE'NT ALREADY MAILED IN YOUR BALLOT, YOU NEED TO GO IN PERSON TO YOUR LOCAL VOTING LOCATION AND VOTE IN PERSON! This is an important time for our nation and we all have a responsibility to do our part to vote for Biblical values such as the sanctity of life, our continued support of Israel and the importance of God’s definition of family. As your Pastor, I will not tell you WHO to vote for but I will always advocate HOW the Scriptures should guide us in our voting. Be in prayer for our nation and our leaders during this very contentious season!This Shabbat, October 31st, we will be continuing our series on understanding the significance of the Hebrew tribes, with a message entitled A SEASON OF RE-ALIGNMENT. We have heard that term a lot recently, RE-ALIGNMENT, but in many ways I feel we have misunderstood that RE-ALIGNMENT means we come into ALIGNMENT with Covenant! We have to know that true Covenant is not based on convenience or personal preference, but in living according to Biblical principles that God has specified, and that bring blessing into our lives! In this day of demanding rights and equality, we often don’t realize that my “rights” are subservient the one I enter into covenant with. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need and how to provide blessing as we trust Him and live the way that glorifies Him!I am excited as we prepare to kick off our Men’s group this Sunday, November 1st from 10am-12! This initial meeting will be at my house (Pastor Stewart), 23696 Pondview Pl. Golden 80401. All men are invited and the focus will be how we can grow as spiritual leaders in our homes and work places, and also how we can encourage each other in these perilous and exciting days. We will provide muffins, coffee and juice, so if you want to bring a breakfast dish, feel free to bring. The Father wants us as men to step into our true callings as leaders and warriors who also know how to love well! Come on out and join us!


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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat 10/17/2020

Shabbat Shalom!

For the last several months the Lord has had us on an assignment: proclaim His Shalom over our City, State and Nation; intercede on behalf of His Bride for righteousness and justice to be returned to our government and the land; and to cry out to God that His grace, mercy and glory would be poured out on the USA. Several of us from Or Chaim and other Congregations have been faithful in doing this because we are convinced that our prayer makes a difference! The Scriptures are replete with exhortations to use our authority; "I HAVE GIVEN YOU AUTHORITY TO TRAMPLE UPON SERPENTS AND SCORPIONS; AND OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY …”(LK.10:19); “AND WHATEVER YOU ASK IN PRAYER, TRUSTING, YOU SHALL RECEIVE.”(MT.21:22). There are so many other encouraging scriptures about how God desires us to trust Him to do what He says He will do! The problem has never been IF God will move, it has always been WILL I ASK HIM AND BELIEVE He will be Faithful to do what we ask. Whatever obstacle or ‘mountain’ is before you, the Father wants you to engage with Him in prayer to see His purposes fulfilled!

This Shabbat October 17th at 10:30am during our morning service we will have Daniel and D’Vorah Calic from BLESS ISRAEL NETWORK. They live in Haifa, Israel and will bring a teaching from the Word and also share about recent events in the Land in regards to peace treaties and what God is doing in the Messianic bodythere, especially in the midst of Covid shut downs. It will be an informative time and an opportunity to pray God’s will be done in Israel, and to hear prophetically what Father is saying to us. We will take up a Love offering for the Calic’s as we are committed to supporting ministries in Israel, so invite others to come on out for this special service!


On Sunday November 1st at from 10am-12, we will be launching our Or Chaim Men’s group! Yes, it’s about time you say, but it has been on our hearts for quite some time. It will be an opportunity for men to build deeper relationships, grow in their understanding of their calling as fathers, husbands and leaders and also become accountable to one another. See Rabbi Stew for location address of first meeting where we will have coffee, juice and muffins, so if you want to bring a breakfast dish (Biblically appropriate) please bring! All men are welcome, so come on out and invite others who might be interested. There are many other exciting things happening in our midst because God is moving! Also, Millie and I want encourage all of you to be in prayer for our nation before the elections on November 3rd, as this is not a time of complacency or apathy, but a time to vote based on Biblical values of the sanctity of life, importance of the family structure and unwavering support of Israel! We love you all!


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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie 


Shabbat 10/10/2020

Shabbat Shalom! We are in the midst of Succoth, also known as Z’man Simkhatenu, “The time of our Rejoicing”. It has been a fun and uplifting time as many of us have spent time at Tom and Mary's farm, camping out, sharing meals and ministering to one another. The Succah has been set up and there is just something about hanging out and being family together that highlights the meaning of this season. Everyone is welcome to come out to the farm, this evening October 9th for a Shabbat potluck together! We will be gathering at about 5pm so bring some food either a beef or chicken dish or vegetable dish or starch like mashed potatoes or rice dish and lets enjoy an evening together under the stars, or even in the dining room if you like! We will be concluding our Succoth week on Shabbat morning October 10th as we re-gather on “the mountain” at 10:30am for our Shmeni Atzeret service. CALL MARY TO RSVP AND LET HER KNOW WHAT YOU WILL BRING! 720-231-8505. This has been a very special season for so many of us, rejoicing, laughing, eating and worshipping together in what has been an incredibly stressful year for everyone. It is also very Biblical, as we have been reminded of the Israelites wilderness camping experience, culminating in coming into the Promised Land! This Shabbat, I will be sharing about the Eighth Day of Assembly (Shmeni Atzeret) and how it is all about the fulfillment of Kingdom in Yeshua and the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh on all Israel. It has been a while since we have had a Shabbat morning service on the mountain, with all the special events we have been having, so I am really looking forward to it. If you still haven’t had enough of Succoth and the High Holidays, all are welcome to attend Congregation Roeh Israel on Saturday evening @7pm for Simcha Torah. One thing that is clear to me, These Feasts of The Lord are opportunities for us to put our focus resolutely on Yeshua, and know without a doubt that He always shows up at the right time. At these times of uncertainty He is calling His bride to rise up and walk in the power and authority He has already given us! The Lion of Judah is roaring and this is not a time to retreat but to advance and take back territory that has been abdicated to lesser gods, worldly lust and apathy! We look forward to seeing you all on this special weekend! Youtube: (Please subscribe! This will help us customize this link eventually) Zoom: Blessings and Shabbat Shalom, Stewart and Millie


Succoth 2020


What a remarkable time of the year! It is my favorite season as the leaves turn and the crisp autumn air comes in after the hot and hazy summer. Also, a time that the God of the universe appointed for us to come near to Him. With Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur completed we look toward the final festival of the Shelosh Regalim, Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles. We commemorate the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites and God’s miraculous provision for them, but also celebrate the final and abundantly fruitful harvest that comes at this time of the year! In all of this, we are reminded of His desire for intimacy with His children and how He wants to fellowship with us in our Succah. 

We have a full and exciting schedule of activities to celebrate Succoth this year! Erev Succoth begins Friday evening October 2nd at 5:30pm as we join with Roeh Israel Congregation, 8556 E. Warren Ave. Denver 80210 for a combined service. We will have a meal and decorate the Succah and then enjoy a wonderful evening of worship. Bring some decorations if you like and all are welcome. On Shabbat October 3rd at 11:30am, Or Chaim will be having our morning service "SUCCOTH SHABBAT ”, 970 S. BONNIE LN. WATKINS, CO.(ACROSS FROM TOM AND MARYS’S FARM). We will have a worship service at the outdoor “sanctuary”, and then head over to Tom and Mary’s farm for a wonderful lunch and a time to decorate the Succah! Many will be camping out for the weekend AS WE CONTINUE WITH “SUCCOTH AT THE FARM”! PLEASE LET THE WESTENDORFS' KNOW IF YOU PLAN ON CAMPING OUT OR STAYING AT THE FARM! WE ARE BUYING FOOD AND PREPARING MEALS SO IT IS EXTREMELY HELPFUL TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION! WE WILL BE HAVING A HAVDALAH SHABBAT ON SATURDAY EVENING AND ALL ARE WELCOME TO ALL OF THESE SPECIAL EVENTS! RSVP WITH MARY AT 720-231-8505 please! Did you know that it is tradition to spend time ‘under the stars’ during this festival? It is a way we can identify with the children of Israel during their wanderings and thank our Heavenly Father for all of His provision!

These last two weeks of special services have been wonderful! In spite of all the challenges of 2020, with lock downs, pandemics, burning cities, looting and incredible political polarity we choose to focus upward on the Kingdom of God and our Eternal King! Everything we need is in Him and we are also reminded of the words of Yeshua that have become so relevant to me “… IN ME YOU MAY HAVE SHALOM. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE, BUT TAKE HEART! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” LET’S COME TOGETHER AS MISHPACHA THIS WEEKEND AND ENCOURAGE EACH OTHER AND WORSHIP OUR KING AS ONE!

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


Succoth2020 Shabbat and Campout

Succoth at the Farm 2020

We are planning to celebrate Succoth at the Westendorf Farm this year. Of course, we will be sharing our Friday night opening service with Roeh Israel at their facility at 8556 E. Warren Avenue in Denver.  5pm decorate their Succah, 5:30 hot dog dinner with fellowship and 7pm service begins.

We will be holding our Shabbat service at 11:30 am on Saturday, October 3, at the “outdoor church” of Rob and Dena Pavletic, 970 S. Bonnie Lane (below their Triple D Ranch). This is located two places north and on the opposite side of the road from the Westendorfs. Turn left into the driveway and follow the trail all the way down to the area by the creek. You will have to park and walk across the foot bridge. Please bring your camp chairs for the service. Only an outhouse will be available during the service – this is truly rustic, but a very serene area.

Following the service, we will convene at the Westendorf Farm, 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, to enjoy brunch and fellowship and begin the week’s festivities. Decorating the Succah and setting up camp will be a fun family time.  We ask that you bring whatever you can to share for the week’s meals. We will place a basket in the kitchen, so you can feel free to share in the expense of what is provided for you, but food contributions are appreciated. We will take turns helping in the kitchen with meals and clean up. If you do not wish to join the rest of us for a meal, we respect your need to have some time to yourself. We ask that you let Mary know which meals you will be eating the following day, so we can plan our menu amounts. We will try to keep meals simple and will post the week’s menu for you to see. If you have something you’d like to furnish for a meal, just let Mary know when you RSVP, so she can plan accordingly. 

We will have a Havdalah service Saturday evening. You are welcome to bring music and your sound system to help us keep the atmosphere filled with praise during the week. We would love to have musical instruments, too, and of course, flags!

For our planning, We need to know how many people to expect, especially for camping. There are outlets on the shop and in the house that you can use. Also, the Pavletics have graciously offered their 2 small buildings at the creek if tents and campers aren’t your thing. Call or text Mary at 720-231-8505 before Wednesday, September 30, to ensure a spot.

Wear your old shoes – this is a farm. You may bring a few carrots for the horses if you want to be their eternal friends. 

Prayerfully we get some rain between now and then, so we can have a firepit fire. Please bring your kosher marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers to share. There will be some utensils, but probably not enough.

The attached page lists the needs for this event to be successful. 

We plan to clean up the buildings by the creek, put up the Succah and pray over the farm and creek area next week (day and time TBD). If you’re interested in helping, please call or text Mary Westendorf at 720-231-8505. We can’t do this alone – we’re not 18 anymore!

Items We Will Need


Card tables/chairs

Games/crafts to share

Toilet paper

Heavy electrical cords

String lights

Music and sound system



Towels/washcloths for yourself

S’Mores fixin’s


Water – we have purified water, so you can fill in the house if you have a water bottle


Your favorite creamer to share

Juices or other drinks to share for meals

Plastic cups/paper plates/plastic ware



Food for the pot

Please call Mary with menu ideas. We’re flying by the seat of our pants at this point. 

This is the first time we have done this, so please extend us some grace. We know if we all work together, we can make it truly special. Abba has already told us this is going to be a special time of healing and restoration. We live in a neighborhood in which everyone is not a believer, so please be cognizant of showing them the love of the Father!

Let’s have fun as a family and enjoy our Abba under the Succah and the stars together!
