Shabbat 9/4/2021 plus Moadim Biblical Feast Days

Shabbat Shalom!

We are quickly approaching the Fall Feasts! On Monday September 6th at 6pm we will welcome Yom Teruah (The feast of Trumpets/Rosh HaShana) with a joint celebration with Gateway on Mount Zion Church! It will be a glorious evening as the One New Man gathers together and welcomes the Presence of The King from "the Mountain", and we usher in the 10 Days of Awe leading up to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Millie and I truly believe there will be something extraordinarily significant released this year, as we enter into Hebrew year 5782. The message of Awakening, Preparation and Consecration is being pronounced and heard by many of us. Come, with hearts full of expectation and a sense of awe as we worship Him and sound the Shofar from Mt. Zion! On Tuesday September 7th we will continue our observation of the Feast of Trumpets with the annual “Hike and Toot”, as we gather at Pine Valley Ranch, 30400 Crystal Lake Road, Pine, at 2pm. Pack a picnic, and bring a dessert to share and of course bring your Shofar and wear your hiking shoes!

This Shabbat September 4thwe will be gathering for our Shabbat Service to ‘kick-off’ this holiday weekend (Labor Day as well as Feast of Trumpets), as Father has given me a message to share about what God is wanting to restore in His House! There is so much in the gospel of the Kingdom (gospel of Yeshua) that we don’t understand that He wants to reveal, that will lead to incredible transformation! I want to focus on the COVENANT aspects of the good news, that is often overlooked. Come on up to the mountain and let’s worship together and encourage one another in these dangerous days that we are living in. As I many times make reference to what the writer of Hebrews exhorts, “LET US HOLD FAST THE UNWAVERING CONFESSION OF HOPE , FOR HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL. AND LET US CONSIDER HOW TO STIR UP ONE ANOTHER TO LOVE AND GOOD DEEDS AND DO NOT NEGLECT OUR OWN MEETINGS …”. We are excited and expectant of that is getting ready to brought forth in our midst!

Just a reminder, although this is the first weekend of the month, we will not be having our Men’s gathering because of the holiday. WE WILL MEET ON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH AT 10AM AT TOM WESTENDORF’S FARM! His address is: 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, Watkins 80137. We will give more details next week on what to bring.

As a very busy and exciting summer begins to wind down, we are entering into my favorite time of the year, the Fall Feasts. Continue to prepare your hearts and 'anoint your ears’ so we will be able to hear the voice of our Heavenly Father and not be distracted from the false voices of fear, hopelessness and despair that are so prevalent in our world today. Be blessed and stay safe!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 8/28/2021

Shabbat Shalom!
This has been a very busy and exciting summer season. We have been blessed to have special guests from Israel share what is happening in the land, as well as encourage us that though things in the world may be chaotic and cause fear to rise in many people, God’s plans will prevail and we as people of faith need not be anxious for anything! As I’ve been sharing over the last few weeks, we are in the month of Elul, and we are in preparation to meet with our King and our Heavenly Father to celebrate his faithfulness to us in the upcoming Fall Feasts (Chagim).

Millie and I are taking a bit of a break before the holidays and will not be at the Shabbat service this week. Not a problem! Our elders will be leading the service and Kent Brown will be bringing a message of encouragement and hope! Tammy Vacura will also be leading our worship as our precious Wendy is spending time with her family. It will be an awesome service and we want to encourage you to gather together and worship the Lord of the Shabbat, on the Shabbat, on the mountain! We will be returning on Sunday.

Be blessed and continue to seek the King during these special times, and prepare your hearts for the High Holy Days! Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) begins on Monday September 6th at 6pm. We will be having a wonderful service along with Gateway In Mt. Zion to celebrate this feast! See you soon!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 4/21/2021 plus Havdalah Evening

Shabbat Shalom!I know what you are thinking and saying: “man, things are really sliding out of control and nobody is in charge!” I have got really good news for you today, Yeshua Himself says, “When these things start to happen, STAND UP AND HOLD YOUR HEADS HIGH; BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE LIBERATED!” (Luke 21:28). Wow, if that doesn’t encourage you, nothing will, and you need to start reading your Word again, and trusting again that everything He says will come to pass! The message of the Kingdom and of our King is all about Hope, Love and being Joyful in the midst of tribulation and hardship!
This Shabbat August 21st (Elul13) Father has given me a message to bring entitled Things Not Yet Restored: A Place For His Presence!, and I will hope to highlight what He is doing in our faith community. Covenant relationship is something that has been God’s desire to see us walk in since the garden. What is significant about covenant, is the aspect of ‘death’. I am not talking here about physical death, although that is part of the process, I am talking about dying to the old things like flesh patterns, mindsets, attitudes and unrighteous living that keeps us “stuck” in old wineskins. The era that we are in now, with the world in crisis, has not caught God by surprise and it is a time where we are being challenged to trust Him and walk in faith more than any other time before. You don’t want to miss this service!

This Saturday evening August 21st at 5:30pm, we will be gathering for our monthly ‘Havdalah’ as we close out the Shabbat. We will meet at Lee Cooperman’s new home,7574 S. Grand Baker Ct., Aurora 80016 for a wonderful evening of fellowship, food and giving thanks to Yeshua for all He is to us! It will be a Mexican themed potluck, so bring a main dish or side or dessert that has a ’south of the border’ flair to it! Drinks will be provided and we will also affix a ‘Mezuzah’ on Lee’s door to his new house! Everyone is invited and it will be a great evening!

Mishpacha, be encouraged in the Lord! God is good and He is faithful and will do what He says he will do!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 8/14/2021 Paul Wilbur Live!

Shabbat Shalom!
As we head into the last half of summer, it is a good opportunity to review where we have been and where we are going. Revival, Restoration and Building a House based on God’s blueprint is what He has been saying to us this year. He is calling us to revive those ancient paths that have laid dormant such as returning to holiness and living a consecrated lifestyle as we are being restored as a House of prayer and as a dwelling of His Ruach HaKodesh. We are now in the Hebrew month of Elul, traditionally a season of searching our hearts in preparation for the gathering in Father’s presence at the Fall Mo’adim in less than 30 days. It is a time that we hear the sound of the Shofar reminding us to get ready for the arrival of the King! God’s calendar is not random but a specific roadmap, as you can say, for taking stock of what we are doing or not doing, and making the necessary “course corrections” to get back on track!

This weekend Or Chaim Congregation will welcome Paul Wilbur! Paul is a Prophetic psalmist and songwriter who has been a blessing to people all over the world, not only by his incredible Messianic music, but also in his message proclaiming the Kingdom and the Beauty of King Yeshua the Messiah-Lord of all the Earth! He will be with us for our morning Shabbat Service August 14th at 10:30am ministering in music and the Word and then at GOMZ that evening at 6:30pm (doors will open at 5:30pm). If you would like to stay in the area after the morning service, feel free to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the beautiful outdoors up here on Lookout Mountain! The church doors will be locked from 3-5:30 pm as no saving seats. So, try here are also plenty of local restaurants in the area, and this would be a great opportunity to fellowship with other folks. A love offering will be taken for Paul and his ministry during the morning service. If you still want more of Paul, join Gateway On Mount Zion Church on Sunday August 15th at 10am. It would be a good idea to arrive early to these events as many folks will be visiting and this is also a great opportunity to invite friends and family members and to introduce them to great Messianic worship! Look forward to seeing you there!

On Saturday August 21st at 5:30pm we will have our monthly Havdalah celebration at Lee Cooperman’s new house! His address is 7574 S. Grand Baker Ct. Aurora, 80016. These are wonderful evenings of fellowship, food and a fun way to close out the Shabbat, and of course all are welcome. This will be a potluck meal, so we will let you know in the next week what kind of food to bring. We will bless Lee’s new house as we affix a ‘Mezuzah’ to his front door!

As you can see, there is much happening! The Fall Feasts will begin with Yom Teruah on Monday September 6th, and we will be having a joint celebration service with GoMZ that evening at 6:30pm. We will be sending a flyer out soon with all the dates and times of our Feast events. Stay in touch, stay informed and stay in prayer over these significant and important days!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat July 31st Guest Speaker from Israel Chaim Malespin

You may not know this, but we are within 40 days of the Fall Mo’adim (Appointed Times)! With all that is happening in the world, not just things I can see with the natural eyes but as I view things through a Biblical and kingdom perspective, my ‘kishkas” (inner man) tells me to expect extraordinary events will take place. I have not been labeled or put in the office of a prophet or seer, but I do read my Bible and pray for His Kingdom to come, and have a strong sense that ‘Suddenlies' are going to be happening in families and on a national and international level in the next days and weeks. At times do I prophesy and see things as revealed by the RUACH HaKodesh so, be encouraged, don’t fear, keep on praying and believing (Luke 18:1) and walk in expectation and hope that God will do some amazing things!

This Shabbat July 31st we will be welcoming a young man that we have known for many years from Israel. Chaim Malespin is a Congregational leader and director of Aliyah Return Center in Tiberius. An extraordinary man of passion and vision, who desires to serve his people in the most unique and practical loving ways. Millie and I have grown to love this man since we met him and his family many years ago when we all first moved to the land. This will be great service to invite your children and their friends to hear Chaim’s perspective on what God is restoring in Israel and the nations as he delivers a “boots on the ground” insightful message.

As we have been doing this summer, bring a picnic lunch to share after the service and hang with Chaim and the Mishpacha for a bit!

Here are some important events coming to Or Chaim:

-This Saturday July 31stGateway On Mt. Zion has invited us to partner with them for an outreach at the State Capitol between 2:30-6pm, GATHER ON THE WEST STEPS!

-Sunday August 1st is our monthly men’s meeting from 10-12noon at Jason’s home, 21764 Turkey Creek Rd. Morrison, 80465

-Sunday August 8th Ted Pearce will be ministering at Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown at 10am, ALL ARE INVITED!
-Shabbat August 14th and Sunday the 15th, Paul Wilbur will be with us all weekend!

As you can see, with summer in high gear there is much happening and much to look forward to! We look forward to seeing all of you and sharing in the awesome things God will be doing over the next days and weeks, and as the writer of Hebrews says: “And let us consider how to stir up one another in love and good deeds … and all the more so as you see the Day approaching.”
Be Blessed and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat July 24, 2021


What a tremendous weekend we had last week! Dan and Patty Juster were with us all weekend and the presence of Adonai was so sweet. Such a Biblical picture of what Father wants to do in these days by linking heart to heart Jew and non Jews together grasping His purposes for all peoples no matter our ethnicity in these last days! For many years, Millie and I as well as many of you, have been praying for that ‘John 17:23’ unity that Yeshua prayed, ‘I in them and You in Me - that they may be perfected in unity, SO THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW THAT YOU SENT ME AND LOVED THEM AS YOU LOVED ME." I absolutely believe that every prayer that our Messiah prayed…He had faith to believe that it would be answered! Let us all join together with His and The Father’s desire to work toward this fulfillment in our day!

This Shabbat July 24th, Father has given me a message along the theme of BUILDING HIS HOUSE entitled A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. We will also be praying for our ladies as they set out for the CMWF retreat beginning later that afternoon. Come on out and join with us!

Here are some upcoming events at Or Chaim that you need to put on your calendars:

- Shabbat July 31st we will welcome Chain Maelspin, who is an on fire Israeli from the Galilee who directs Aliyah Return Center in Tiberius! We have known him since he was a teenager…you won’t want to miss Chaim. On one of our trips to Israel humbly he prayed for a lady who hurt her leg and was in a wheelchair. Instantly she got up in faith and walked.

- Sunday August 1st will be our monthly men’s meeting from 10am-12noon, (place to be determined)

- Shabbat August 14th we will welcome Messianic recording artist Paul Wilbur to the mountain! He will also be having a concert that evening as well as be sharing on Sunday at GOMZ.

The Lord has been stirring some things in my heart for us as a congregation in the upcoming months. Please pray for us as we are receiving direction from the Lord.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat July 17, 2021

Shalom Mishpacha!

How is it possible for Paul (Rav Shaul) to declare “Rejoice in the Lord always - again I will say, rejoice!”, sitting in a dank, dark and smelly prison probably in Rome? Because he knew something (Someone) that we need to know: this journey we are on in a fallen world is not our ultimate goal, but being with Yeshua and experiencing the presence of God is the most glorious thing anyone could experience! It’s not about denying the insanity and evil that is so ‘in our face’ day after day, it is about putting things in a Kingdom perspective and CHOOSING to rejoice in the midst of whatever is happening because we have an amazing hope that is not of this world. You may have received a jolting diagnosis, a foreclosure notice or a betrayal from a best friend, but in that pain and disappointment choose to run into the arms of Yeshua our Messiah and rejoice in Him!

This Shabbat July 17th we will be welcoming Dr. Dan and Patty Juster to Or Chaim. Dan is an internationally known author of such classic as JEWISH ROOTS; RELATIONAL LEADERSHIP and THE IRREVOCABLE CALLING, and has been involved in the Messianic movement since 1972. They live in Jerusalem most of the year and he is part of the Apostolic leadership team for Tikkun International and in the past has served as President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC). He will be sharing a fresh Word of what Father is doing today and how we are to align with His purposes. All are invited to this special service, and we will be having an informal Q&A “roundtable” time with Dan following the service at 1pm. We will provide a light lunch, so feel free to join with us and bring a snack and something to drink!

The Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will be holding it’s annual retreat next weekend July 24-26, so please be in prayer for this amazing event. It is full, but if you feel you are to be part of this and haven’t signed up, see Millie immediately! This is a busy time as folks are camping and traveling and visiting family, but we want to encourage you to pray with urgency, be in the Word of God, and continue to fellowship with the ‘Mishpacha’ of God faithfully!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat July 10, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!

I was having lunch the other day with a pastor friend, and we began to discuss the abiding presence of the Lord in us and as if a “lightbulb” came on in both of us, we realized THAT is our real source of joy in our life! I went to university and learned some good information, even some important principles that helped shape me, but there is nothing like KNOWING HIS PRESENCE, and desiring more of that presence that motivates and guides my life. No wonder that the 'enemy of our souls’ will unleash every strategy he can deploy, to keep us from experiencing presence and joy no matter what happens! My encouragement to you during these summer days is to be in fervent prayer and above all else, seek intimacy and friendship with the ‘Lover our souls’, and keep on proclaiming His goodness no matter what circumstance you find yourself in!

This Shabbat July 10th I will be sharing a message Father has given me entitled BUILDING HIS HOUSE: ABIDING IN HIS PRESENCE WITH JOY! We are His dwelling here on planet earth, and He desires a HOUSE that is completely set apart for His purposes and refuses to align itself with the world, ungodly attitudes and practices, and idolatry of any kind. Come on up to the mountain this Shabbat and enjoy with the Mishpacha, and bring a picnic lunch to eat and spend time in fellowship after the service! On Sunday July 11th we will have our monthly men’s gathering at Russ Crider’s home from 10am-12noon. His address is 22493 E. Maplewood Ln. Aurora, 80015. These are awesome times of fellowship, encouragement and exhorting one another to be the men of God He has called us to be! All men are welcome to this gathering, We will have snacks and coffee so if you feel like bringing those home-made cinnamon rolls you have been dying to make, bring them (we ARE men who love to eat)!

Next Shabbat July 17th will be a special time at OCC as we welcome Dr. Daniel Juster, the founder of Tikkun America and he serves as a member of our Tikkun apostolic team. Dan has been in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1972, has founded and Pastored Congregations and served as the International President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) for many years. He has authored many books including classics such as JEWISH ROOTS, A FOUNDATION OF BIBLICAL THEOLOGY and JEWISHNESS AND JESUS. Again all are welcome to this service, and we will be having an informal roundtable Q&A time with Dan following the morning service. A light lunch will be provided.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat July 3, 2021 Let Freedom Ring!

This Sunday is the 4th of July! The nation will be 245 years old, and in spite of the spiritual and moral condition of the USA, I still love this place! As many of you, I’m encouraged to pray for an awakening that will cleanse us, re-align us, and re-fire us to be that shining beacon on a hill that we are called to be. Contrary to what many naysayers and haters might say, I believe this republic was founded on Godly principles and foundations that have brought freedom and hope to countless millions of people over the years all over the world! Celebrate with your family and friends and pray for His purposes to prevail in this great land!

This Shabbat July 3rd I will continue the theme of REVIVAL TO REVOLUTION, with part 2 of a message on what the new “Yeshua people” are to look like. Start your weekend off by coming together as a community and worshipping the King, and being in His Presence!

Next Sunday, July 11th will be our monthly men’s meeting at Russ Crider’s house from 10am till 12noon, ALL MEN ARE WELCOME TO THESE TIMES OF FELLOWSHIP AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

July 17th Dan and Patty Juster of Tikkun International will be with us from Israel and don’t forget to see Millie about registering for the upcoming women’s retreat July 24-26. The theme this year Majesty: The King Revealed. Carole Urbas will teaching. There are only a few spots left.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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JIJ Visiting Shabbat 6/26/2021

Shalom!As many of you, I love to read the Psalms. We can identify with David and the psalmists when they share their hearts with Abba, sometimes in ways that sound a lot like my ‘kvetching’ when things don’t happen the way I think they should. They struggled when it looked like the enemies of God were prospering and getting their way, much like we do when we look at the upside down world we live in and in our hearts cry out, “God, why don’t you do something!” Then, we see a subtle shift as they begin to direct their gaze heavenward, upon the majesty of an eternal, just and righteous Father, and understanding comes into their hearts as they recognize the temporal nature of the world around them. And then we hear the words of the psalmist as they become testaments of faith and hope such as: BLESSED IS ONE WHOSE STRENGTH IS IN YOU, IN WHOSE HEART ARE THE PILGRIM ROADS. PASSING THROUGH THE VALLEY OF BACA, THEY MAKE IT A SPRING. THE EARLY RAIN COVERS IT WITH BLESSINGS. THEY GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH - EVERY ONE OF THEM APPEARS BEFORE GOD IN ZION. ADONAI-TZVA’OT, HEAR MY PRAYER, GIVE EAR, O GOD OF JACOB. SELAH (Psalm 84:6-9). We know that this world is not our home, we are pilgrims looking forward to our eternal dwelling with Him! Interesting, the only reference in the Scripture to the Valley of Baca (literally translated ‘weeping’) and God makes it a spring of blessing! We are strengthened in times of struggle and disappointment if we allow Him to work in us. Be encouraged, brother and sister, as we navigate through these dangerous times together, our hope and our strength comes from Him and He’s “got this!”
This Shabbat June 26th Father has given me a message to share on CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEW ‘YESHUA PEOPLE”, as we desire more and more to be a people of HABITATION, where God dwells in His temple that He built! The last few weeks we have been encouraged as we have heard amazing testimonies of how God is able to do miraculous things all over the world and that we are blessed at Or Chaim to partner with Him as He does them.

This week we will here testimony from our friends at Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) whom we support, as they help Jews and Arabs living in the land who are the voiceless. Bring a picnic lunch and join us for fellowship after the service and get to know these precious folks!

This Sunday June 27th we will be joining with Turn Ministries for another local outreach! This time we will meet at Washington Park, at the parking lot on 701 S. Franklin St. 80210, at 3pm. NOTE THE CHANGE OF LOCATION FROM SLOAN’S LAKE TO WASHINGTON PARK! These are fun times of worship and just talking to folks as Father leads, and there has been some really great conversations and prayer in the weeks that we have done this. All you need to be is someone who loves the Lord and people! God is moving, you may not feel it or see it, but He is moving on people’s hearts and He is active in our cities and in the nations, let’s move with Him!



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Shabbat June 19, 2021

Shalom Mishpacha!

I don’t know how accurate my car’s thermostat is but the other day I was downtown and it said 106 degrees! Growing up in Southern California, that kind of hot during June was expected, but here …, WOW!! We also sense things are heating up in the Spiritual atmosphere, Father led me to Psalms 84 where David cries out “HOW LOVELY ARE YOUR TABERNACLES, ADONAI -TZVA’OT! MY SOUL YEARNS, EVEN FAINTS, FOR THE COURTS OF ADONAI. MY HEART AND MY FLESH SING FOR JOY TO THE LIVING GOD.” At this time, there is a re-awakening taking place where as we turn our faces to our covenant-keeping God, He will reveal to us that it is WE that are His dwelling place! Don’t know about you but I want the cry of all in our Congregation to be “fill this temple with more of your very Presence!” As we do this, He will lovingly cleanse us of the filth that contaminates us from living in a fallen world, and we will be that glorious dwelling for Him!

This Shabbat June 19th we will continue our month of Kingdom and Missions exposure with a guest whose testimony will humble us all as well as encourage us into seeing how awesome our God is! Tamrat was a man who went from the pinnacle of power to the depths of despair (literally, solitary confinement in a terrible prison!) where God’s love was able to reach this man in a very unique and transformational way. His testimony has ministered to multiple thousands of people around the world, a testimony of how God’s love is able to reach anyone, anywhere! We encourage you to bring a friend or a neighbor, especially young people and hear his amazing story. We will take a love offering for his ministry at the end of the service. As we have been doing recently, bring a picnic lunch and enjoy fellowship with the Mishpacha on the beautiful grounds of Lookout Mountain!

Some of us will be joining Turn Ministries for an outreach to the city on Saturday the 19th from 3pm-6pm at City Park, next to the Denver Zoo. We will also be doing an outreach to the Jewish community around Sloan’s Lake on Sunday, June 27th. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN IN THESE OUTREACHES TO OUR CITY!

HAVDALAH AT THE FARM THIS SATURDAY EVENINGJUNE 19TH AT 5:30PM! We will be gathering for the first Havdalah of summer at Tom and Mary’s farm: 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, Watkins 80137. We will also be celebrating Mary’s Birthday! No gifts are required. We are planning on an Italian style dinner, so please bring something along that theme, like, lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, salad and let’s celebrate Mary's life and the end of Shabbat together! Birthday cake will be provided so come on out and enjoy an evening of fellowship, fun, food and worship!

Summer is here, lockdowns are over and there will be many exciting things happening over the next few months, so ‘buckle up’ and let's be the ‘Mishpacha’ that we are called to be!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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June 12, 2021

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
You have got to love this time of the year in Colorado! After a cool and wet Spring, we have turned into summer so quickly and we are enjoying the warm sunshine and spending more time outside! As we enter the summer months we are reminded that in ancient Israel it was the time between the Spring and Fall Mo’Adim, a time of toiling in the fields under the hot sun preparing for a harvest some months in the future. It was hard work and long days but because the land was replenished during the winter and early Spring rains, they were confident that there would be an abundant harvest. Friends, as we remain faithful to who God has made us and be light and salt in the place He has called us to till, be encouraged, you will reap a harvest for your labors! Also, many of you are praying for family, friends and co-workers to have an encounter with the Messiah who sets us free, don’t give up … you will see the harvest in due season!

Last week we were encouraged as the President of Tikkun, our covering network of messianic congregations, Ben Juster shared with us on what Adonai is doing around the world and in Israel. This Shabbat June 12th we will continue to focus on Israel and its significance in these end days. I recently met a young man who is called to minister in Israel because Father spoke to him so clearly! He will share his heart and we will pray for Israel and all that is happening there. Yes, we all remember the rocket attacks launched by Hamas a few weeks back, but now there is upheaval on the political and cultural end, combined with a growing anti-semitism here at home and around the world. This is all part of engaging with what God is doing to bring about His purposes by doing our part in seeing the good news go “to the Jew first and also the Gentile.” After the service, feel free to linger and enjoy fellowship while bringing a picnic lunch to share outside in the beautiful surroundings of Lookout Mountain!

Next Saturday evening June 19th we will be having our first ‘Havdalah’ fellowship of the summer! We will be gathering at ‘the Farm’, Tom and Mary Westendorf’s home, for a time of fellowship, food and closing out the Shabbat. We will also be celebrating Mary’s birthday so come on out and enjoy the festivities and get to know the Mishpacha better! We will let you know what kind of foods to bring. Also, we will be joining with Turn Ministries (Jeremy Jacobs) this summer for outreach into the Jewish communities in Denver. Here are the dates for these events and all are welcome to participate!
- Saturday June 19th @ 3pm at Sloans Lake (one of the oldest Jewish neighborhoods in the city!)
- Sunday June 27th @3pm at City Park (next to the zoo)
The last time we did this in May, several of us participated and had awesome conversations and prayer with people, and three folks prayed to receive Yeshua as Messiah! Our dance team worshipped and set an atmosphere where people were eager to talk about the Lord, so come on out and join us, it is a lot of fun!

As you can see, summer is going to be an active season for Or Chaim! After the last year plus of quarantines and lockdowns it’s time for us to get out and ‘Move Forward’ into being His Habitation to a lost, needy and thirsty world that needs Yeshua, even if they may not realize it! I read something the other day that spoke to me: many of us need to move “from the couch to the sanctuary.” LETS ENGAGE WITH PEOPLE WHO NEED TO KNOW THE LIFE THAT ONLY OUR MESSIAH YESHUA CAN PROVIDE!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Due to sensitivity of the the speakers message we will not be live streaming this week so please join us in person. You may give by going to our website:

Shabbat 6/5/2021

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!

Wow, after a wet and kind of gloomy early Spring it appears the Colorado sunshine is back with us! We also sense there has been a “turning the corner” on folks getting out and about, sans masks (yes!) and enjoying hanging with each other again. I am excited about the upcoming season as we will see the fruit of our intercession and prayer as I sense there is a greater openness to the “things of God” as we share with neighbors, co-workers and our own families. Just the other day as I was entering our condo building I noticed my neighbor just standing in the hallway. I asked if she was alright because she seemed a bit confused, she responded “well honestly, Im not doing well”. Prompted by the Lord I asked her if I can pray for her and she relaxed and smiled and said yes. She was in extreme pain in her upper neck from a previous injury so we prayed and released God’s healing into her body! Afterwards she said “thank you so much, you made my day!” As we heard last week in the message, we carry the very Presence of Adonai in us and we are to release that Presence to a lost and dying world! It’s time to be bold and walk in confidence and let Yeshua lead us in the ways He walked in bringing life wherever we go!

This Shabbat June 5th we will be welcoming Ben Juster to Or Chaim. Ben is the President of Tikkun America, our Messianic Jewish covering, and a man who is passionate about reaching our people with the good news of the Kingdom and presenting a Jewish Messiah to the world. He has just re-located back to the USA after living several years in Jerusalem as one of the international directors for the Tikkun global family. You will love his heart and his insights into what Father is doing in these days! Over the summer months we will be having some special guests from various places, who will be bringing inspiring messages of hope, breakthrough and revival from around the world! You will not want to miss these services.



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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 5/29/2021

Shabbat Shalom!

Over the last many months, through the pandemic and economic shutdowns, increased violence and divisiveness and the latest rise of anti-semitism, government transitional chaotic changes, I have been reminded constantly of this fact: DO NOT JUDGE WHAT GOD IS DOING BY WHAT YOU SEE OR DON'T SEE IN THE NATURAL REALM! His Word, His plans and purposes, for you personally and for His Bride (Church) will produce a harvest of righteousness! As we read the Psalms we see how David was honest about his circumstances and feelings, whether he was surrounded by enemies or abandoned by friends or frustrated that his Lord didn’t do something according to his timetable, he always declared his allegiance to, and hope in His God! This is how we are to live in these days where evil seems to be on the advance and enemies of God seem to be having their way. I am encouraged by the words of our Master in His great priestly prayer in John 17: “I AM NOT ASKING THAT YOU TAKE THEM OUT OF THE WORLD, BUT THAT YOU KEEP THEM FROM THE EVIL ONE, THEY ARE NOT OF THE WORLD JUST AS I AM NOT OF THE WORLD.” Be encouraged, as people are being healed miraculously in our midst, the good news of the Kingdom is being boldly proclaimed and we know of folks that are being delivered and set free from bondages!

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day! It is a day we honor those who died serving this great nation during times of war, so we encourage you over the next days to consider the cost of freedom and pray for those who are serving in our armed forces now! This Shabbat May 29th I will be sharing a message entitled REVIVAL OR REVOLUTION?, where we will explore what it really means when we ask for HIS PRESENCE to come and fill us. Come on up to the Mountain and spend some time with the Mishpacha! It is especially important during times of great trial to fellowship with and encourage one another. Also, feel free to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Lookout Mountain as the weather should be nice on Shabbat.

We are excited about what God is up to in these days! Over the next few weeks we will be introducing some special folks to you that will greatly encourage you!

Also, the next Men’s meeting will be on Sunday June 6th, so we want to encourage all of you guys to come out to Kent Brown’s house in Idaho Springs. His address is: 1500 Colorado Blvd. unit A, Idaho Springs 80452. All men are invited to these special times of encouragement and fellowship and it would be a great time to share a ride with someone else.

Ladies don’t forget to register for the women’s retreat! It’s not too late and there is still room!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 5/22/2021

Shabbat 5/22/2021

Shabbat Shalom!

We have been celebrating Shavuot for the past week. Last weekend we had The Rabbi’s Son Bill Bullock and our new friend Tony Young visit with us and Castlewood Canyon Church and it was a powerful time of impartation, revelation and hearing the heart of The Father afresh! Such perfect timing with all the violence happening in Israel and the “balagon” (Hebrew for craziness and confusion) here in the USA! This has been a time of increased intercession for the Jewish people as well as all the lost and hurting people in our communities. The other day several of us community leaders in the area came together to pray specifically for the Jewish people in Denver and the Front Range, and the Lord reminded us of when Yeshua (Jesus) told Peter to put out the net on the other side of the boat. They had fished all night and caught nothing and they were tired. They knew how to fish and were unsuccessful that night but Peter said something that was amazing. He said, “But at your word …”, in other words because The Lord says to do something that you might not understand or you’ve been doing for a long time, do it anyway! He will bring the harvest of those who are seeking Him when He will do it, we just need to obey! We are committed to seeing all people seeking Life, Freedom, Shalom, and Healing presented with the good news of the Kingdom! Many of those are our Jewish people as anti-semitism has risen! Please be praying for the Israel…the Peace of Jerusalem and the USA! Also pray for our Kenyan family of believers Eugenio, Idah, Sammy, Becky and Peggy and the many needs they have running their orphanage, schools, and churches and house churches!

This Shabbat May 22nd I will be continuing the theme of “God’s Eternal Purposes” with a message on the specific purpose of Messianic communities. Come on up to the Mountain and enjoy wonderful fellowship with the Mishpacha and the powerful Presence of Adonai as we worship Him as our incredible King! On Sunday May 23rd there will be a STAND WITH ISRAEL RALLY at the Civic Center Park in Downtown Denver across from the State Capitol. We have been invited to this rally by the Jewish Community. The rally starts at 4:30pm and it we are encouraged to bring our Israel and USA flags as we stand with and support the nation of Israel during these dangerous times when anti-semitism is on the rise, even in our halls of government!

We look forward to seeing you on Shabbat!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie


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Shavuot Special Shabbat 5/15/2021

Shalom Everyone,
Once again, rockets are being fired from Gaza into the heart of Israel. Israelis are spending sleepless nights in bomb shelters and narrow hallways as air raid sirens are sounding. Houses are being indiscriminately bombed with innocent people being injured and killed from Ashdod and Ashkelon to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and the surrounding towns. This is nothing new for the Middle East and Israel, Millie and I lived in the land during the second Intifada and the Lebanon war of 2006, but coming on the heels of pandemic shutdowns and a global disruption, this seems more dangerous. The Hebrew word for ‘violence and wrongdoing ‘ is ‘Hamas’ and is first used in Genesis 6:11:"NOW THE EARTH WAS RUINED BEFORE GOD, AND THE EARTH WAS FILLED WITH VIOLENCE (HAMAS)”. As we approach the festival of Shavuot when we remember the faithfulness of our God in giving us His word and His Ruach (Spirit), let us pray for the His Shalom in the land and His protection over His covenant people! I am not surprised by any of this, as we increase the level of prayer and intercession, the prince of this world will try to ‘counterattack’ to discourage us. Don’t give up, press in and keep crying out to the King of Kings for His purposes to prevail at this time!
This is a very special weekend as we celebrate Shavuot, along with Castlewood Canyon Church! Actually, I have been invited by Father Phil Eberhart of Rez Anglican Church to lead an Erev Shabbat service on Friday, May 14th at 7pm!, Bill Bullock will be sharing that evening and it will be an awesome time of worship and prayer and of course, all are welcome. The address is: 9250 E. Belleview Ave, Greenwood Village, 80111. On Shabbat May 15th we will be meeting at 10:30am at Or Chaim, 166 S. Lookout Mt. Rd. Golden, 80401, and will have a special service with The Rabbi’s Son Bill Bullock and his colleague Tony Young. The theme for the weekend is: Strategies for Re-introducing Hope, Healing and Shalom Back into a Shattered and Angry World. After the morning session, we will have a lunch break and we encourage you to bring a picnic lunch, and you can eat outside on the beautiful grounds of the church, or go to nearby Bergen Park to grab a bite. We will have an afternoon session beginning at approximately 2:30pm and finishing by 4pm. On Sunday May 16th at 10am we will gather at Castlewood Canyon Church; 389 Castlewood Canyon Rd, Franktown, 80116. Bill and Tony will continue their teaching. All are invited to these services and we will take love offering on both days!
As you can see, this is going to be a very exciting weekend! Shavuot is an ‘Appointed Time’ where Father desires to meet with His children and we sense that He wants to speak some very important things to us! The world has become even more dangerous, and He wants to equip us to navigate things and also to let us know “… HE’S GOT IT!”Shalom and Blessings!Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 5/8/2021

Shabbat Shalom!

You have probably heard the terms “shift” or “atmospheric change” over the last few years in regards to spiritual and cultural issues. I do believe that there have been some major events recently that would validate the use of those terms and if we look with kingdom eyesight we can see that change is happening. Let me give a few personal examples to help illustrate: recently as myself and others have intentionally gone out to share about Yeshua (Jesus) to others, I have sensed a greater receptivity than in the past. Folks who had been turned off to religion and church are increasingly becoming interested in the PERSON of Yeshua. Also, the importance of prayer and intercession and engaging in “Spiritual warfare" for our families, cities and nation have become more of a priority. For instance, yesterday as we gathered at the State Capitol for the National Day of Prayer there was an urgency and a passion, even in many of the State legislators, for divine intervention, more than I’ve ever seen before! These elected officials were in many cases pleading for the Church to arise and pray for them! There was a strong sense in the many people that gathered on those steps that we all need to be more intentional in crying out for Righteousness and Justice to prevail in every aspect of our lives! Millie and I want to thank all of you who came out in support of this event, it was powerful!

This Shabbat May 8th, I will be continuing my series on God’s eternal purposes and focus on the Bride with a messageentitled A MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVEN! No, I won’t be talking about my marriage to Millie although it was made in heaven, but I will talk about some unique characteristics of the Triune God and how we were created to interact with each person of the Trinity! Come on out this Shabbat and enjoy the Mishpacha and also the presence of Adonai! His presence has been powerful during our worship and awesome things are taking place as we allow Him to overwhelm us in precious ways!

Remember, next weekend May 15th and 16th we will be welcoming Bill Bullock of The Rabbi’s Son Ministry to celebrate Shavuot! He will be with us on the mountain, 166 S. Lookout Mountain Road, Golden, all day Shabbat May 15th. Our morning service begins at 10:30am and we encourage everyone to bring a picnic style lunch, and we will have an afternoon session following the lunch break. Guests are certainly welcome as Bill is an incredible and inspiring teacher! We will take up a love offering for his ministry. On Sunday May 16thwe will be with Bill again as he will be sharing at Castlewood Canyon Church, 389 Castlewood Canyon Rd. Franktown, 80116. The service there will begin at 10am, and of course all are welcome for this service!

Can’t wait to see you all! These days are so significant and so necessary for us to be gathering together, for as the writer of Hebrews says “… and all the more as you see the DAY approaching.”

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat May 1, 2021

Shalom Mishpacha!

In my greeting today, I’m using the term ‘Mishpacha’ purposely because it is important to understand the Hebrew term for family. The word refers to “family, household, kin, kindred, origin, species”. Along with so many other institutions in these days, the God-ordained reality and purpose of FAMILY is under incredible attack more than anything else! Yet, when we look at the Scriptures, it is the paramount covenant structure that God creates: Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness!” He goes on to say “it is not good for man to be alone" (levad in Hebrew), and I am convinced that the devil knows that truth oh so well and wants to destroy the God- breathed institution of family and we need say No to his schemes emphatically! Also, and this is so important for us to know, we in the body of Messiah, Jew and Gentile are real family, not just a bunch of individuals “doing” services together! This Shabbat May 1st, I will be continuing with the theme of becoming a habitation for the Holy One and knowing His times and purposes with a message entitled HERE COMES THE BRIDE! I know it is not real creative or even catchy or novel, but Abba wants us to understand who we are as the BRIDE of Messiah!

Following the morning service for those who want, we will be joining with others for an outreach at City Park in Denver! Jeremy Jacobs of Turn Ministries in Colorado Springs has a heart to reach the Jewish community in our area and it will be a great opportunity to meet some folks, share about Yeshua and dance for the glory of the Lord! We will be going out after the service, and all are invited! Here are some important upcoming events:




Millie and I want you to know that you are special to us and we are excited about the season we are now in as we endeavor together to “MOVE FORWARD” into His promises and purposes!

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 4/24/2021

Shabbat Shalom!

We have been praying a lot for our Jewish people and Israel recently. Over the last 40+ years as a follower of Yeshua, we have had many conversations with our people about what they believe and why they believe what they do and why they don’t believe in certain things in the Scriptures. It comes down to a huge wall of unbelief in most cases, whether it is not believing in miracles such as the virgin birth of Messiah or the parting of the Red Sea or whatever it may be…it is a stumbling block! I think this is what Rav Shaul (Paul) was addressing in Romans 11 when he states, “…that a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in …”, but little by little I see more of an openness in my people! At Or Chaim (Light of Life) we are committed to see our people reached with the good news of Yeshua HaMashiach and we will continue to pray for them and share with them whenever we have an opportunity!

This Shabbat April 24th I will be sharing a message entitled SO WHAT IS HIS DIVINE PURPOSE? We can see if we choose to many things that God is doing in these days but I believe that one of the most important things He is doing is awakening a Bride worthy of His Son, who will whole-heartedly embrace His purposes even if it makes us uncomfortable in the mean time! It will require a kingdom world view, perseverance in prayer and endurance in walking in His ways.

Hope to see you all out on Shabbat, the weatherman is predicting sunny and warm temperatures and no snow! Some up coming events to be aware of:





As you can see, there are many things coming up and they are all important! Spring is upon us, and just as in the days of the kings of Israel, it is a time to “go to war”, in the Spirit of course, so let’s move forward in the things of the Kingdom!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat 4/17/2021

Shabbat Shalom!
What I love about living in Colorado is that you have such a variety of weather! Just a few days ago, we were enjoying 70 degree weather and last night and this morning we have about 8 inches of snow where we live! AS OF NOW, WE ARE STILL PLANNING ON HAVING SHABBAT SERVICE TOMORROW, APRIL 17TH! If conditions worsen we will try to communicate later tonight, either way, we want you to use wisdom in your driving.

I’m sure you have heard the statement “God loves you and has a plan for your life”, right? Well even though it sounds kind of like a corny cliche (an overused one at that!) it is still so very true. I will be sharing a message about the indispensable part we all play in His plans and how we are to engage in them. How many times do we have a really awesome vision or idea, and then ask God to bless our plan? Maybe we should discern His purposes and goals for planet earth and partner with Him to see His goal of ‘Tikkun Olam’ (restoration or repairing the world) come to pass! I don’t know about you, but I think being part of what God is doing will bring greater blessing and fulfillment than my puny ideas!

Some upcoming events at Or Chaim: The Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship quarterly meeting will be Sunday April 25th from 2-5pm at The Dwelling Place in Golden.
The National Day of Prayer will be at the State Capitol on Thursday May 6th from 11am-2pm. More information will be provided for this but we want to encourage all to participate in this important event!
The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock will be with us at Or Chaim on May 15 and on the 16 we will continue as we join with Castlewood Canyon Church for a wonderful celebration of Shavuot! More information will be coming.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

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